Help Saving Uprooted Plant

Hi all,

Absolute novice gardener reporting in!

I recently moved into a new property and one of the shrubs has taken a turn for the worst. The shrub has not been pruned and over the winter there were significant storms that uprooted a significant portion which has since been removed hence the missing branches in the middle.

Any suggestions on the next steps from here? Can it be saved?

Some particular questions I have

1) What species is this?
2) How far can I prune it back?


  • Zero idea on the species from those pictures, does it smell vaguely like curry if you’d never smelt curry before? Perhaps a Cassinia aculeata?
    Try taking some closer up pics of the foliage and doing a google or iOS search.

  • +2

    Looks like it could be a neglected Golden Diosma that has never been pruned. No salvaging the plant.

    • Agree. Diosma. Rip it out. 80s called, it wants its plants back.

      Terrible plants to maintain. Put a nice low maintenance acacia in there or something.

  • Thanks all.

    Started cutting it down today :)

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