I dont really understand finance, so there's probably some big brain banker who thinks different.
Why is my rent going up because my landlord's mortgage is going up?
I didn't take out a loan on a home I won't live in. I'm not getting more house, im not getting better services? they havn't improved the house in any tangible way.
I think if rents were capped based on objective features of a house like rooms, amenteties, idk water efficiency? like actual tangible definable things it would be good for people.
I get that might mean that investors can't afford their mortgages, but why are we basing housing on the reckless financial decisions of investors? if you can't afford that 2nd or 3rd property maybe you should just sell it? and not make tennants pay for what you can't afford.
The banks and landlords have had decades to tackle homelessness and they havn't. Maybe their way isnt actually good.
Maybe this would just have aweful consequences though. So apart from rampant greed what would go wrong with capping rents?
(EDIT) I really appreciate the perspectives and comparisons between attempts in other parts of the world as a way to explain things. Keep em coming.
I went through the same thing.
Middle of the pandemic when evictions weren’t allowed, landlord decided to evict us because they wanted to demolish the property and build a boarding house.
In the 90 day notice we had we were constantly being harassed to move out earlier because they wanted to start construction early, they wanted to take the carport out before we’d even had 30 days notice of your our eviction.
They came out and cut down trees, turned off our gas, even got rid of our mailbox.
I had no issues with them wanting to demolish their house, it was an absolute slum but to find out that we’d lived in that crappy house for 2 years with a leaking roof and a gas heater that leaked exhausted that they had more than enough money to fix the issues, they just didn’t want to… well it pissed me off immensely.
And to do it in the middle of a pandemic just sucked.