Help Save My Raspberry Plant from Serious Spider Mite Infestation

For the past so many months my two year old raspberry plant has been hit with a serious spider mites infestation. You can see pictures uploaded.

I had tried multiple sprays from Bunnings, but they just won't go away and things are still getting worse. They're literally on the underside of every leaf now. I've kind of given up but then thought what if I just cut off every leaf and hopefully something will grow next year. Would that help?

Anyone have any suggestions?


  • +1

    Try some bugs as well as planting flowers nearby to encourage bees

  • Crushed garlic mixed with water (strained for lumps) and then sprayed over the plant

  • +1

    Just wash them off, blast it daily with water.

    • This. Over time the only way you are going to control pests is by encouraging beneficial insects to live there as well. Chemicals are ultimately killing both the problem and the solution.

  • +1

    Imidachloprid, sold under various trade names, e.g. Spectrum 200SC.
    It'll kill small sucking pests, either as a spray, or watered into the soil under the plants.

    It's systemic, so the entire plant will become poisonous to tiny insects like mites, aphids and thrips, killing any that tries to chew or suck on it (except caterpillars, they are too large).

    Watering into the soil is safer from beneficial insects like bees, ladybug etc, and lasts longer (2 weeks or so).
    Remove all flowers to avoid poisoning nectar drinkers.
    Not sure how comfortable you are with eating the fruits. Check withholding instructions on bottle if you plan to eat the berries.

  • catch some ladybugs xd
    (but they actually do eat the mites, look it up)

  • +1

    Throw away the entire plant, including the soil directly below it. You can’t get rid of spider mites. They will always come back. And they’ll spread to other plants. I’ve lost 15-20 plants, some of them quite expensive, from spider mites. Once the spider mites are sufficiently established they can kill the entire plant in 24 hours. By that point there will be thousands of tiny spiders in the plant, and they’ll become airborne and infect your other plants.

    • I gave up growing tomatoes because I can't beat them. Tried all sorts of stuff but they are the most worthy adversary I've encountered.

  • Thanks everyone.

    I want to try the healthy bugs but they're closed for a couple weeks. I'll make that my last try.

    I'll blast the plant with water daily - But does that kill them or just move them over to the house walls etc?

    Literally every stem is still green inside so I have a little hope there that the plant is not gone yet.

    • +1

      Spraying may get rid of the active, external spiders, but won’t get rid of the eggs and the internal mites. In my opinion, even if you think you’ve gotten rid of them they may just appear again a few months later. The soil will be infected.

    • Consider adding neem oil to your sprayer.

  • One site said spray the plant with isopropyl alcohol.

    • Then take a few steps back and throw a lit match at the plant.

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