Cheap MP3 player - Android Version?

Looking for cheapish but reasonable MP3 players for my 2 kids
Could just get them an Android tablet and do video too but that's overkill for music
Would prefer one with some controls for playlists, selections etc so not an Ipod Shuffle' type
Would be even more interested if it ran Android (but not essential)
Any ideas or a decent unit?


  • Depending on how cheap you want to go, but if you want Android then you could just get them an entry level Android phone at ~$50 each! :)

  • How about this:

    $34 for a Sansa Fuze 4GB Mp4 player Refurbished though.

    But yeah, you can go with just a $49 basic LG P690F from Coles using a FlyBuys card.

    • Thanks for the information scrimshaw… Now I am hunting that LG P690F.


  • As above..
    For $50, you get the works…
    Internet Access
    and (if you put in a SIM card) Phone!
    (or you could get them a VoIP account each so they have their own, personal "home phone" (when they're in range of a WiFi network.)

  • I am not sure if you specifically want an Android device. But this might help:

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