I won an Amazon gift card for the U.S. Amazon shop to the value of US$200. It's in form of a long code number. I originally won it in a competition as a voucher for an Amazon Kindle Fire but yeah… you see the problem there :) (Apart from usability issues they won't even ship it to Australia. And using an American address etc is just getting too complicated).
I thought of putting it up for sale on US ebay since gift cards usually sell for close to the amount but I didn't see any amazon vouchers on there, wonder if that's even allowed. Also, since it's in form of a long code, how can I proof that the code is still valid, or worse, prevent some dishonest buyer from using it after giving it to him/her and claiming it didn't work… :(
Thanks for all your answers & help. Appreciate it.
To avoid hassles you might be better off buying something easy to sell for close to what you paid. Like portable hard drives, camera lenses etc.