Razer Viper V2 Pro or Logitech G502 X Plus

Hey guys,

I had a quick question to ask. I am torn on whether the viper v2 pro or G502x plus is the better buy. they are similarly priced around 150 - 180, I know the viper v2 pro is 58g grams and has a low latency of around 3.4ms and high polling rate (1000hz and 4000hz with a special add on dongle), whereas the g502x plus is heavier at 106g (unsure about polling rate, latency of 2.7ms. The g502x has higher sensor latency though. I am thinking of getting more into competitive gaming, I currently have a mx master 3 (I know that it isn't considered to be good for gaming rather productivity). I like the thumb rest of the g502x plus, and to my knowledge the side buttons are easy to press, I am a bit concerned that the viper side buttons are a bit harder to click just like my mx3.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Poll Options

  • 8
    G502x Plus
  • 8
    Viper v2 pro


  • I just was deliberating over a similar thing and watched and read numerous YouTube and online reviews. Just pulled the pin on the g502 X plus yesterday. Firstly. you aren't comparing equivalent products from the 2 manufacturers. The razer that competes at this level is the v3 pro. Secondly, the g502 X plus can't be sourced new for that price unless you stumbled across a random heavily discounted one you have found (if you have I'll be very sad as I just paid 220 for mine). Those things aside the g502 double click issues should be resolved on the optical sensors on this model. Also longer battery life and a better quality finish are in Logitech's favour. Not sure if viper has free scroll. The v3 pro does if that's something you're interested in having and it also has a higher DPI, but my take is at this level were splitting hairs on the DPI and it won't realistically make any difference

    • Good point, thank you. Will take that on board.
      I know it isn't a fair comparison by any means.

      $154 here:

      I know it is out of stock but I found a new deal for $164

      Hope you are enjoying your g502 plus 😃

      • Ahhh yes saw that deal, but I couldn't be bothered waiting for a deal for the black one, which I wanted. Don't think I've ever seen it dropped in price as much as the white one. Also, these are new releases, so cost more. You could consider going for the wired version which is cheaper if your main use-case is gaming. Usually less lag as well. Check out the v3 (not pro) or the G502 X (not plus). Much cheaper and typically less lag than wireless… as long as you don't need to move around a lot with it (unfortunately I do).

        Oh BTW the weight of the v3 and G502 is significantly more than the viper. They ARE gaming mice but trying to also be all things to all people increases their weight. If you want pure gaming the viper or DeathAdder might be a better and cheaper choice for you.

  • I just wish 502 has Bluetooth

  • You already got the MX Master 3 so I'd go Viper V2. I'm a Logitech G502 convert. Lovely mouse and I will remember it forever, but I realise now that the lighter the mouse, the better.

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