I'm thinking if purchasing this laptop as I've been looking for a 2-in-1 now for quite a few months and missed out on the awesome deal here. Budget is $800.
I'll be using it for music production mostly.
I'm thinking if purchasing this laptop as I've been looking for a 2-in-1 now for quite a few months and missed out on the awesome deal here. Budget is $800.
I'll be using it for music production mostly.
Your link is to a used computer.
Are you after new or used?
Yes it's used. New or used doesn't matter to me tbh as long as it's in proper working condition.
I'm looking around and it's nearly impossible to find 16gb ram for under $1k.
Soundtrap? you just need your phone for that.
Macbook, there are many sold per day on eBay.
I don't prefer a MacBook because I don't like the interface and am used to Windows.
You are missing out. Google what most musicians use, its Macs.
For your preferred DAW, check the comparative performance in Windows vs Mac OS. Not hard to learn Mac OS. Numerous employers impose Windows (sometimes for sound reasons) but many workers head home to use Mac OS and iPad OS. You'll be able to get a pre-owned M1 Macbook Air for close to $800.
I know mac is the preferred option for audio engineering but some youtubers also use windows based machines. Mac's aren't 2-in-1 as well. That's kinda important to me too. I found this yesterday:
It's a bit old (2020) but has an option to upgrade the RAM. Just need some advice on the potential drawbacks it could have.
@danodco: If your compare performance on Geekbench the Macbook Air M1 2020 has more than double the Multi-Core performance of the Intel Core i7-10510U 1.8 GHz, for similar money…
@danodco: I'd upgrade the SSD early, to make use of all the Plug-ins out there, or than come with any Hardware. 16GB will give it an advantage over an M1 Macbook with 8GB of Ram.
Yes, the screen issue not bein Touch is annoying.
I use my Macbook M1 8/512 mainly for performing live/rehersals more so than Recording. I was using Mainstage, but have started transitioning to GIG Performer, which will allow me to have my HP Notebook as a Backup.
Is this a 2-in-1? Didn't say it was anywhere. Would have been good to get something like this which is a 2-in-1 though
No its very beefy, may need to look at the MS surfacebook, they were going for 999 for a while.
What's the relevance of "music production"? iPads are commonly used for music production nowadays. Is there a specific CPU taxing software you need?