This was posted 2 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Hack] 4x Pieces Original Recipe $6.95, 5x Tenders with 2 Dipping Sauces $6.95 @ KFC (App Required)


The hack for 4x pieces of Original Recipe chicken for $6.95 has made its way back onto the app menu after having a small hiatus off the menu. The 5x Tenders with 2 Dipping Sauces for $6.95 hack has always stayed but here is a refresher for those who are not aware of this trick.

  1. Add Mixed Feast to order
  2. As soon as you press "Add to order" you will be offered a selection of add ons, in this case we want to select "4 Pieces Original Recipe ADD ON" and/or "5 Original Tenders ADD ON" and add them to the order
  3. Remove Mixed Feast from order
  4. You are left with the add ons in cart. Checkout, and enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    I had a look in the app: it doesn’t seem that 4 x Original recipe can be ordered normally, but one piece is $3, 6 for $15.45, so this seems like a good deal if you want greasy fried chicken.

    Five tenders are normally $10.45.

    • The extra 4pc can't be ordered separately. Follow the instructions

  • +3

    Tenders are the best mmmmm

  • Thanks

  • -2

    old news

    • +5

      good old news

    • +9

      ‘People like to be told what they already know. Remember that. They get uncomfortable when you tell them new things. New things…well, new things aren’t what they expect. They like to know that, say, a dog will bite a man. That is what dogs do. They don’t want to know that a man bites a dog, because the world is not supposed to happen like that. In short, what people think they want is news, but what they really crave is olds.’

      GNU Terry Pratchett

      • +3

        That's rather inaccurate of Pratchet to say.

        People love new info. That's why we explore the galaxy and investigate threw science.

        The issue is when the results or news conflict with our existing beliefs. And beliefs are often interlinked with each other, so changing one can have a scary domino effect

    • High in protein, low in saturated fat. It's not all bad.

      • +1

        Low in saturated fat? Are you sure

        • +2

          Well, relatively low. Lower than cheese and lower than beef with pure fat etc.

          Around 5g saturated fat in a 100g KFC Original Recipe thigh, and around the same saturated fat in 30g Coles Light Cheddar.

          Soo, more like medium.

    • bargains over health.

    • +2

      There’s always one.

  • where previous

  • Thanks OP

  • +3

    For the love of chicken, please add an app option where we can choose the chicken piece, as Nando's does

    • +1

      That would probably leave them with too many keel/rib pieces so unfortunately I don't think they'd choose to add that functionality

  • yeah was so sad, used to have 4 pieces as an offer when heading to checkout and then it disappeared.. works well with Cheap as Chips.. good value..

  • +3

    Ozbargain perma bulk grindset 💪

  • +5

    Also available is 6 pieces of hot and crispy for 6.95

    • I don't see this option ☹️

      • Add giant feast, and should come up. Some stores may not work with the hot and crispy option though when you try and add though.

    • Where abouts?

      • I tried three KFC near me and the third one had x6 hot n spicy through the giant feast option . try checking other KFC you might also get lucky

  • +4

    Anyone found the tenders are a bit salty?

    • +1

      Only a bit salty?

    • +1

      absolutely salted up to the gills

    • Just ordered earlier today, kinda salty.

    • +1

      They have some strange taste that kinda tastes good at first but quickly gets disgusting.

  • -2

    Thanks, hack has already been posted but good reminder for those who missed it.

  • I was trying this a couple of weeks ago and it kept flashing when trying to add the pieces and not letting me continue. Anyone else see this?

  • +1

    Unrelated but, Freeze’s now $1.5, inflation is killing us.

  • I'm going to donate blood tomorrow then grab 4 pieces of kfc to reward myself.

  • This wasn't working when I tried other day it kept saying something went wrong

  • OP, don't forget to add in that one can claim a free chips and drink with said deal if a KFC receipt with a written code from a completed survey is provided (I use the same code each time and it's never been an issue)

    • I think the survey promo has been retired?

      • Yeah nah, used it a couple days ago with this hack and they even gave me large fries!

    • How do you get a receipt with online order?

      • I choose drive-thru option, grab my receipt at the first window and write the code on it (before I hand the old receipt to the attendant at the second window) then put it away for the next purchase..

        Quite often they don't even take the old receipt.

        • -1

          My local is different. You order on the app, drive to the speaker, tell them your order number and they say drive to second window. Then I say I have the survey too, and they change and say to go to the first window. The first window then gives you any drinks, you have to hand over the older receipt, and then they tell you to get your order and new receipt at the second window. But yes, the first window often forgets to ask for the old receipt.

          How do you write the code on the new receipt while you're in the drivethru lane…. you haven't done the survey yet.

          (If you're writing a fake code, please stop doing that. They've giving us something for free. Do you want them to stop doing it? If enough people cheat they will.)

          • @[Deactivated]: Yeah nah, same code mate and are you reversing to go back to the first window? All sounds a bit complicated..

            • @cristobaljamesy: Lol, no… when you tell them your order number at the speaker they say drive thru to window 2 to pick it up. But if you did that and THEN told them about the survey, they chuck a hissy fit because they want all the "ordering" side of things done at the speaker and window 1 where any money goes into that first register. (Window 2 is only for pickup - not paying.) So after giving my order number at the speaker, then I mention also having a survey code… and they tell us to go to window 1 now instead, to hand over the old receipt. Not sure why they do it that way, but meh - whatever.

              • @[Deactivated]: I simply tell them at the second window I have the survey receipt and they grab the drink and fries each time without any fuss.

                Sometimes I even skip the speaker at the entrance to the drive-thru (when it's busy) and drive straight up to the first window to grab my receipt from the online order.

                • @cristobaljamesy: Yeah that's how I did it at first but they got all shirty with me and said, "I'll do it THIS time but NEXT time tell them at the first window!" Then you go to another store and it's different, but get an attitude there too because everyone knows customers are supposed to be clairvoyant, rather than a nationwide (worldwide!) franchise doing things the same at every store. :-D

  • +1

    Tried today and working. Original recipe was pretty average, I would do the tenders next time

    • +1

      Can change to H&S at my local…

      Free chips and drink on survey code and good chicken, chips and drink for less than $7

      • $7.45 at my local

        $6.95 all the way through the check out and just when about to pay, prices changes to $7.45

        Obviously that's the price at my local, but even selecting theocal.ators, doesn't change the price till card details entered

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got the 5 original tenders with supercharged sauce. Unbelievably good.

  • +3

    You can do this with a lot of sides if you want to nickel and dime a discount - probs the best overall hack if you can't pick up!

  • Most of my app has frozen won't add anything, but had the hack 4 $6.95, then I realise you can do 4 lots at the same time

    so $27.50 for 16 pieces of chicken about $1.75 a piece….not super cheap but

  • I ordered my $1 OR chicken just now and also managed to get 6pcs Hot & Spicy for $6.95 following OP's instructions. Thanks OP!

  • Tried it today, confirmed still working. Thanks OP.

  • its works but whyy

    • mine dont see tenders, but i see the 6pcs h&s $6.95

  • Deal still running albeit a price change to $7.45 (QLD). Not sure if the entire chicken range has gone up

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