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[eBay Plus] Dimplex 40cm High Velocity Pedestal Fan DCPF40CH $59.18 Delivered @ BIG W eBay AU


Dimplex 40cm High Velocity Pedestal Fan DCPF40CH is in sale at Big W ebay store for $62.30. EBay plus members get free delivery. And eBay code PLUSDEC1 brings it under $60.

Please note this is NOT a DC fan.

One of the recommended fans by Choice Magazine. Have had it for a year and no issues.

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This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2022

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Fankx got 1

  • +1

    These would be pretty noisy.

    • Would they? Thought being DC might make them quieter. Any recs on a quiet one? Been looking at the Xiaomi one

      • +3

        Don't think it actually has a DC motor, haven't seen it mentioned in any specs pages. Model number has DC in it but that doesn't mean anything.

      • I'm just assuming so I could be wrong. High velocity thin blades. Would be good if someone who has one can comment on it.

        I've been looking at the xiaomi DC fan too for a while now. Waiting for discount.

      • +3

        These are not DC.

    • Not too much. I read they were 47-52dB. But yeah, they are not quiet.

    • +1

      But its fast aa fck boii

  • +2

    I have a few of these. They move a lot of air,look pretty decent,but they are loud even on setting 1 / 3. Luckily both me and the wife are used to sleeping with a fan by now. Excellent value though

    • +3

      White noise is actually pretty handy at night time when trying to sleep

  • Saw some reviews from gives me have 2nd thoughts to buy it.

  • Been looking to buy a DC pedestal fan. The front runner for me currently is the Kogan Premium DC Fan. Any alternatives I should consider? Thanks :)

    • +1

      Vornado 683DC ?

      • +1

        Thanks 00, will look into it more. It appears to be a little more than I had planned to spend, and the additional features don't warrant the extra cost. Happy holidays!

    • +1

      This fan in the post is not dc.
      We have a DC vornado 633dc that's great. Plus an old DC Kambrook kpf489 which I like as it is quiet .

    • +1

      I have the Dimplex 40cm 3-in-1 fan from ebay. Speed 1-3 is super quiet but i've also heard good things about the kogan dc fan. The kogan fan is $90 on their site right now, I would go for that atm.

    • +2

      Bought the Kogan Premium DC fan when it first came out - over 3 years ago now. Brilliant. Quiet, timer fn, multiple speeds. Perfect of the bedroom as well in super quiet mode. On sale atm for $89 or something. You would be hard pressed top get anything as good for the price.

  • The thing to keep in mind with these is that there are so many similar ones but they are not all high velocity. Some of them come with 20W motors all the way up to 70W. This one is 45W with 50m^3/s of airflow so not bad. They are definitely loud.

    I have a 70W one and it is loud, but the airflow is worth it

    • where did you get 70w one from?

      • Aldi a couple years back

  • +3

    If you want to move air, nothing beats the vortex style fans, Vornado's etc.

    • Normal fans do move air via oscillation. Air gets drawn in from back of fan, and pushed in different directions around the room. Some fans oscillate up, down, and side to side. The air has no choice but to move.

      Also sometimes it's good to be in the path of a strong breeze from a normal fan. Vornados won't stop mozzies for example, for those who use fans to defend against mozzies when sleeping. A normal fan directed at your bed will make it impossible for mozzies to land. The Vornado air circulator wouldn't be a strong enough breeze to repel the mozzie, beyond the narrow area in front of fan.

      • +1

        Sure, but if you're looking for exchange into/out of a house, down a hallway, across a room from a window etc there's no comparison.

        • Yeh I like the Vornados, they do a specific job very well related to general air circulation. They are sensible products! But there's a place for the oscillating breeze of a good quality quiet pedestal fan. I would say, buy both!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Bought one

  • +1

    I have this exact model, it oscillates and is is powerful enough for larger living areas but it is definitely noisy (but so are the other high velocity fans that I've owned). Excellent price.

  • +1

    They sound like a plane taking off. Don't do it for yourself unless you need the white noise at night time.

    • +2

      You are correcto mondo :)

      White noise is my friend and helps me/us sleep. Not qualified to say whether helps insomniacs but an educated guess

      EDIT: Tendency to type shiz when tired or assisting another hangover

    • -1

      High velocity fans are good for for larger living areas on hot days during the day and not good for bedrooms at night - DC fans would be a much option overnight.

  • Didn’t these test better than the overpriced Dyson?

  • aka Finger Shredder

  • This or Kmart's 50cm Fan with remote control.

  • +1

    I picked this up in person today to save waiting on post for $3 extra. Good fan for the price and not too noisy compared to our bunnings industrial fan but is perfect for living area and makes the room more comfortable. Not sure how it'll do with high temps but it works for us. Quality is not too bad considering price. The metal clips were abit hard to secure on fan grill in last steps but got there in the end.

    • Can you advise if this one is heavy? Or can be easily knocked down by kids? And can two years old put his fingers through?

  • We bought this fan a year ago and were happy with it so this time bought two more. The new ones are FAR TOO NOISY than the old one :(

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