This was posted 12 years 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Krispy Kremes - Buy Any Dozen and Get 1 Dozen Original Glazed for 75c (13/07/2012 Only)


For one day only (13/07/2012) Krispy Kremes are returning to their 1937 pricing - one dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for just 75c!

Buy ANY dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and you'll get one dozen Original Glazed for just 75 cents.

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Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme

closed Comments

  • +25

    Title is misleading.

    • +14

      I just wanted the 2nd dozen!!!!!

    • +1

      Agreed, should be changed to "Krispy Kreme - buy a glazed dozen and get a second glazed dozen for 75cents"

      • +4

        buy "any" dozen not just glazed to claim 75c/dozen offer

    • +3

      title changed.. sorry, was in a rush to post it :)

  • +2

    agreed, i got excited

  • so cheapest online is ORIGINAL GLAZED DOZEN for $15.95 + another $0.75 for another dozen + delivery
    for me the delivery is $12.00 so no deal for me
    15.95 + 0.75 + 12 = $28.70 for 24 donuts

    • Hang on wait DELIVERY??

  • That asterisk is missing from the title.

  • +1

    how do you guys know its not 75c/ dozen?

  • here's the copy of the email guys

    "Back in 1937 when Krispy Kreme started out, you could pick up a dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for just 75 cents.

    For one day only we're embracing our old school roots with 1937 pricing - one dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts for just 75c!

    Buy ANY dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and we'll give you one dozen Original Glazed for just 75 cents. Old school.

    You can grab a piece of this very special birthday offer on July 13th 2012 at Krispy Kreme Retail Shops in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.

    It will be pandemonium in our stores, our teams will all be wearing party hats - our birthday offer is limited to one dozen per customer - so get in quick! Not available in wholesale locations."

  • -1

    I received an email for it saying for July 13th only on their 75th Anniversary its 75c for a dozen. Don't know how to post a copy of my email though.. help?

    • +1

      It's not.. Read the full email.

    • -1

      Whoops by bad, only if you buy a dozen first!

  • is this in store as well or only online??

    fresh off the line is the only way to eat these

  • +1

    Not as good as the free offer they were doing near christmas time 2 years back :P

  • -8

    very misleading email, makes it look like you can just buy a dozen for 75c.

    • +1

      Why neg the deal not OPs fault

      • -4

        It's not a neg for the OP, it's a neg for the deal.

        • For 75c a dozen glazed doughnuts, on the condition you buy a dozen other first, this presents excellent value.

          Unless you are pedantic and weigh in the health costs.

        • +1

          I agree, but if you just glaze over the email it looks like you can buy a dozen for 75c.

        • That is true, the wording is somewhat misleading; however it is still a bargain and that's what OzBargain is all about.

        • +1

          I gave you a +, just cause you used the word glaze…get it?

    • Maybe it starts off as a little misleading but then goes on to clearly state.

      "Buy ANY dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and we'll give you one dozen Original Glazed for just 75 cents. Old school."

  • I can't find information about the deal anywhere on their website.

    edit: I see - it was an email only offer

  • Any ideas if this will be available at 7-eleven as well? Or is it just from their stores?

    • "Krispy Kreme Retail Shops in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane" does not imply 7-eleven.

    • -1

      edit: too slow.. ^_^

  • If only they ever built a single store in Perth :'(

  • A deal is a deal, not as good as the BOGOF one couple years back, but 75 cents, who can complain? :D

    • +5

      Anyone that doesn't have a Krispy Kreme Retail Shop nearby.

      • i stand corrected :D

  • do you need the email or can you just rock up in store and the offer is available?

  • Close enough to half price to warrant a +

    • Problem is you need to buy a lot of doughnuts to get the special.

  • +9

    A bargain….and helps keep us Aussies at (or near) the top of the tubby country list. Winning.

  • +1

    You can freeze them, then zap them in the microwave for couple seconds and presto nice yummy warm donut!

    • +15

      I'll just eat them all in one sitting if that's just fine with you.

      • +2

        OzBargain had better feature deals on health insurance too :-)

  • +1

    so pay full price for one dozen, then 75 cents for the next? err no thanks.

  • i wonder if the 75c is the actual cost of making a dozen …..hahahahhaa :P

    • +1

      Nope but 24 donuts costs less than $16.70 to make.

    • Probably less.. LOL

  • +1

    Perfect timing :), now I can buy some donuts for my farewell party at work.

    • +16

      You have to buy for your own farewell? Sounds like your boss goes on OzBargain

      • There was a similar thing when I was working in England, I just assumed it was a cultural thing. Probably just tight arse bosses!

  • +2


    sometimes I hate SA :(

    • ur right, its a sh*thole, hence most of my SA friends moved to Melb

  • -1

    Cheaper by the dozen.

  • -3

    EVERYBODY KNOWS….Donuts give you CANCER !

    • SOME PEOPLE KNOW…… basically EVERY TYPE OF PROCESSED FOOD increases the likelihood of getting cancer.

      ..everything in moderation..

  • +2

    Krispy Kreme is the baddest of them all

    • You just wasted my bandwidth

    • ditto.

      Anyone else considering clicking that youtube link.. please dont.

    • +1

      seen it, HILARIOUS

  • +6

    Anyone wanting a cop tomorrow knows where to look.

    • Such a silly stereotype with not even any basis of truth in this country..

      This isn't a 1980's John Hughes movie. It's 2012 Australia and our cops are pretty cut ;)

      • +3

        They're more likely to be 'round at the 'roids dealer?

      • +1

        Fair call. Let's give donuts, and cut cops, the respect they deserve. To do anything else would be un-Australian.

        I always hated that dumb Walk Like an Egyptian song from the 80s anyway:

        If you want to find all the cops,
        They’re hanging out in the donut shop.
        They sing and dance (Oh-Way-Oh)
        They spin their clock and cruise on down the block

        You've got that crappy tune in your head right now don't you! ;)

        • +3

          But I did google Susannah Hoffs images. Hubba.

        • +1

          Same daveted. Damn she still looks good, one look with those eyes & I would be like putty in her hands! ;)

        • +1

          I haven't heard it called putty before, but it's not a bad euphemism.

          I'd give her a Krispy Kreme.

        • She's 53 years old.

  • Tomorrow! ready, set, go!

  • is this one for member only or smthg like that? or open to public as long as it is tmrw?

    • +14

      Can I buy a vowel?

  • so just to be clear since this was an 'e-mail' offer, Do we need to print this off, or can we just ask for it instore?

    • +1

      Looks like anyone can for tomorrow only according to the comments/email references. That is you don't need to print coupons

  • +1

    Please put the full cost in the title.

    • I'm not sure how Krispy Kreme price their donuts, but the price might vary depending on the type of ANY dozen you purchase…?

  • +7

    I'm never buying KK again. I was out with the wifey and kids and we bought 2 donuts at about $3 each (from memory) and they were stale, dry and not worth the price IMHO. Neg me into oblivion for stating my honest opinion, and enjoy ya expensive US style junk food ya'll!

  • Who eats that many donuts?

    • +2

      sharing is caring, mr !

  • "want another Krispy kream?"

  • "mmmmm donuts" :)

  • +5

    diabetes in a box

  • these are so yum but the second they hit your tongue they melt into nothing. the amount of fat and sugar just isn't worth it when you have to get 2 boxes.

  • can we buy it from 7/11 and get the second dozen for 75c?

    • +2

      No, you can't.

  • +2

    Purchased two dozen, 1 assorted 1 original, came out to about $23

  • +1

    Just got myself a set from Auburn store :D

  • +1

    Someone might buy a couple of boxes then sell the out the front for whatever it divides out to. That way a bunch of people could enjoy a yum (but fatty) bargain in moderation ;-)

  • +3

    Just bought 2 dozens at Central station for $16.70

  • Got my 2 dozen today from the Narre Warren store, although must say they were quiet - maybe the word didn't get around as much as we all thought…arhhh well…sack the marketing guy!

  • how much is 1 dozen glazed normally

    • $15.95

      There was a small queue at Liverpool; hadn't seen that in YEARS.

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