CLEARANCE - Extra 5% off on Obinslab Anne Pro 2 Keyboard. Use codeYHEVWG0JH7K0. Free shipping
Gateron Switch:
Cherry MX Switch:
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CLEARANCE - Extra 5% off on Obinslab Anne Pro 2 Keyboard. Use codeYHEVWG0JH7K0. Free shipping
Gateron Switch:
Cherry MX Switch:
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is $100 bro
You can easily find hotswappable boards that are similar to this for half the price. The RK/GK/SK 61 are all very popular boards that come between $40-$60
There's countless other boards that aren't 60% that are hotswappable and have as much/more features than this board that are either cheaper or same price, eg. Epomaker TH80 or the slew of Keychron or Akko boards available
oh damn, I clearly haven’t been keeping up with keebs - back when I was last looking there were no 60% hotswap boards, but the AP2 was $70 tbf
better keesbs out there for cheaper :-) pls dont get this
would you mind sharing a couple? looking for cherry switches, bluetooth for 2+ devices and a light colour (white / grey / etc) if possible although that's not a dealbreaker.
Form factor? Hotswappability? Price range?
My curiosity was piqued by "for cheaper" :)
Don't care about hotswappable, want something that I can use away from main workstation so smaller is good but doesn't have to be this compact.
This board is getting really old now. Would be ok for $50. Definitely not more now
… Not even hotswappable?