This was posted 2 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Prime, SUBS] Everything Everywhere All at Once @ Prime Video


Just noticed this pop-up on prime :)

Happy viewing.

An aging Chinese immigrant is swept up in an insane adventure, in which she alone can save the world by exploring other universes connecting with the lives she could have led.

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closed Comments

  • +36

    Hot Dog Fingers!!!!!!!

  • +66

    Everything Everywhere

    Sounds like jv

    • +1

      HA HA

      That stays between you and I @bagainsgrabber

      • +4

        Man some people are sooky based by those negs. Must be a bad Christmas.

    • Actually haven't seen much of jv recently, does someone need to do a welfare check?

  • +50

    I watched this without reading the synopsis or watching a trailer, was a very pleasant surprise. Would recommend

    • +1

      I tried watching this the same, had no idea what it was just that it was popular - I did not finish it, what a weird movie.

  • +8

    Such a great film.

    I was surprised to also find it on Binge.

  • +5

    Also on Binge and Foxtel

    • +71

      so its everywhere all at once

  • +15

    Fantastic movie. Watched it without knowing anything about it and was blown away

  • +3

    Thoroughly enjoyed watching this.

  • Can someone tell me what quality is this streaming on Prime? I cant find any information

    • +1

      1080p available via the website, apparently 1440p is available via some apps, but I havven't been able to verify.

      • I dont see quality through my native prime app which is weird since this is a new movie.
        Debating whether to stream or sail the seven seas

        • Looks like just 1080p on Amazon. A 4K mkv with no streaming artifacts would be your best option.

    • Prime doesnt restict quality like other services.. the content is sometimes in 4k and sometimes at 1080p Dolby vision and HDR are always on when used in the content.

  • +34

    Cannot recommend this movie enough. First movie I've ever seen twice in a cinema - absolutely sacrilegious for an OzBargainer.

    • +13

      Now you just need to watch it for free on prime twice and the price will average out.

      • +5

        Or watch 20 times and be really winning

    • +7

      What? They dont have Marvel movies?

    • +6

      This movie has been touted to be nominated for a few awards this year like Golden Globes etc

      • The shell - visuals, sounds, stunts, etc - brilliant and unique. But core - yet another (Asian-themed) parent/child/family melodrama - boring as shit.

        • wut? name another?

  • +15

    what doctor strange and multiverse should had been…

      • +7

        This is completely different

      • +1

        Not even close!

        This movie is great.

  • +3

    It’s great movie

    • +30

      It's pretty good. Up there with the greats like Raccacoonie.

      • +1

        Is it better than Gone With the Wind?

  • +26

    For $6.99 a month Prime is the best value streaming service in Australia prove me wrong

    • +1

      for $0 a month soap is better

    • +10

      I would pay the prime for alone, and i do it yearly for extra savings

      • +7

        yeah I paid for prime just for free shipping

        and was blown away by all the benefits that came with it: free movies, music, games.

        easily paid for itself three times over

        • Recommend The Boys on prime.

        • And books

          • @jebdra: tbh, I haven't explored that part of the benefits much. all books I read, I get in MOBI format for free anyway, and load onto my Kindle to read (the TRUE ozbargain way)

            Kindle has been a true godsend, can't imagine my life without it, even though I haven't paid for a single book for years

      • Trying to convince my wife to get prime but not too sure about the savings.

        What do you usually buy that is cheaper than let's say Aldi or colesworths?

        • +1

          This year i bought a wireless mouse for my pc, a multi-device charger for my house, a card reader, a bluetooth adapter, moccona coffe (multiple), a jamie jacobs mini wallet, eneloop batteries, a 4k movie, toilet paper (multiple), baby wipes, drain cleaners, a case for my mrs ipad, glass protector for our phones and a dewalt orbit sander for work.

        • There are loads of savings or price matching to Coles and woolworths, benefit is the free delivery.

          Also, get your wife to search things she would buy normally, like cosmetics etc.

    • +9

      $4.92 per month if you do a $59 yearly sub…good value either way

    • +1

      Yes, a good bonus on top of free postage of goods bought on Amazon.

    • Jellyfin +torrents could be better for less

    • Good value streaming service
      Free games through prime gaming every month
      Free delivery on almost anything
      A few extra stuff like their music platform

      Yeah it's not bad for $59/year but if they up it I might have to reconsider as I have not been buying anything from Amazon AU lately mostly from ebay this year

    • Best movies of this year?

      • Top Gun: Maverick. Even though it is a Tom Cruise movie. Easily. And sadly, it was no contest.

        • -2

          After hearing how bad Scientology is, not sure if I will ever watch another Cruise movie. Didn’t watch TG2.

          • +2

            @ilovefullprice: Scientology is a crock of shit and Tom Cruise is a certifiably (profanity), but he makes great movies and Maverick is a great movie.

          • @ilovefullprice: Oh yes, it took everything he had inherited from my rather simple uncle.

    • +22

      Honestly, you lost me at "I'm a movie buff".

      • +2

        He lost me when he mentioned wife

    • +3

      Agreed. Very overrated.

      • +11

        Oh no, people are not allowed to have different taste…

        • +1

          Well if some ppl are going to degrade a movie you would think they could give 1 good reason?

      • inferiority complex that you're trying to make up for in comments?

    • +1

      what's a "better silly flix" that you can recommend then?

      • +5

        not many movies as silly as this unless you get into spoof territory but i'd recommend a lesser-known but much better danish comedy starring mads mikkelsen called Retfærdighedens Ryttere (Riders of Justice)

        • +1

          Brilliant movie. Agree. Loved it

    • -5

      yea, absolutely awful movie

    • +23

      Wrap it up fellas, this guy's a movie buff.

    • I’m more of a buff than you. Started watching on the plane and thought it was kinda silly and try hard but somewhere around the 40min mark they got me and after watching it I have to admit it’s a work of art. But yeah it’s not for everyone but they made something amazing.

  • +3

    Great flick! Out of this world and entertaining

  • +6

    Did anyone else start watching and then go: "Where have I seen that dude before 🤔….. SHORT ROUND!!!!"👉🏼

    • Nah. I went goonies

  • +17

    I definitely found this movie overhyped. Has a sort of interesting idea, but it's a bit too convoluted for my taste.

    If it's free it's free though.

    • +2

      It's not free, you gotta pay a subscription

    • +6

      Yeah I didn't like it. Only gave it a chance because EVERYONE was saying it was the greatest thing ever. Spent the whole runtime waiting for it to get good…

  • +6

    Michelle Yeoh is soooo good in this!!!

  • +23

    Who else found this an obnoxious mess? Curious, as my film buff mate rates it in their top 5. Maybe I need a rewatch, I just found it too silly and the ‘meaning’ a bit lame

    • +1

      Awful movie. I want my 40 minutes back.

      • +5

        You lasted 40 minutes? I couldn't watch more than 20 …..really bad movie.

      • +2

        Pity, that’s when it turned

    • +6

      I thought I was the only one in the world that thought it was a drag.

      • +2

        It was total crappp

      • No, I turned it off about 30 min in. It was as boring as crap. How anyone enjoyed it is beyond me. Different strokes though. Mind you loads like the starwars crap being released and Wanda vision don't get me started.

        • +1

          You watched Andor? Totally different to all the other Starwar TV shows. Would rate it along side the clone wars TV show and The Bad Batch

    • Obnoxious. No it's pretty straight forward. As a movie and plot. The visuals are trippy I guess.

      Yes the meaning of love and how our personalities are actually strengths are interesting.

      But no not obnox.

    • +1

      Good to see someone who can criticize the movie and say "I don't like it" without putting down the people who do like it.

  • +4

    Fantastic movie; watched it with friends at home first and we were so blown away that we watched it again in cinemas

  • +10

    Perhaps slightly overrated but definitely great fun.

  • 4k?

  • +7

    seen this movie atleast 10 times, it's amazing

    • +1

      do you have short term memory loss? the movie's only been out for like 8 months…

      • if you've seen the movie you'd know why it warrants repeat viewing

        • i've seen it and disagree, but even if i did agree 10+ times in not even as many months is crazy
          reminds me of when you get a kid to watch the same cartoon 10 times a week because they dont care lol

          • +1

            @s1Lence: There are many movies I have watched 10 times in that many months.. not that crazy. If you like a movie why not. 10 months is a lot of hours.. you could literally watch all 10 in a day with time left over lol.

            Nothing like the cartoon thing because you choose to do this here. You haven't ever downloaded a movie and rewatched it a lot of times because you really enjoyed it? not a weird thing at all tbh and most people I know have done this with at least a couple movies they loved

            • +1

              @takutox: max i've rewatched a movie is like 5 times, and that's over the course of about as many years
              it definitely is weird to rewatch a movie more than once a month for nearly an entire year, not many people do that as they'd get bored quite quickly

              • -4

                @s1Lence: Huh? It's not weird at all; maybe you are the weird one. It's literally probably the most normal thing ever to rewatch a movie or series you like many times, or relisten to a song you like hundreds to thousands of times.

                I'm surprised you don't know anyone else who has done this because it feels like almost everyone I know has movie(s) they've been obsessed with and rewatched at least 8 times in a year..

                It's not like you'd do it with every movie but just with a handful that you really enjoy..

                • -3

                  @takutox: cope

                  • +2

                    @s1Lence: Getting hurt and responding "cope" (13 yr old twitter comeback) to a normal conversation and negging someone on a bargain site is the literal definition of cope and seethe.

                    If it wasn't normal to rewatch movies many times there wouldn't be cult classics or blu-ray / DVD movie sales at all.

                    • @takutox: damn you really feel the need to defend you weird behaviour to the grave, don't you? just admit it's weird and move on, we're all weird in our own ways and that isn't necessarily a bad thing
                      now go on and enjoy the long weekend, my fellow weirdo!

                      • -3

                        @s1Lence: If anyone is being weird, it's you. You're like instant responding to 3 people at once with paragraphs claiming something that is completely normal is weird. I mean if you care that much then OK you are not the weird one ;) no need to cry and start spamming insults over it lmaoo

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