This was posted 2 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[XSX, PS5, Switch] Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion $72.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Seems like the lowest price around ATM. Might sell out quickly.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2022

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I’ll wait a bit longer if it hits $50 mark I’ll bite

    • +7

      I’ll wait until it’s $19.

      • +4

        As someone who pre-ordered this at the $72.99 Amazon price based on zero prior knowledge and just hype; wise plan.

        So far it's… horribly linear, has an insane random encounter rate and pretty boring :/

        • +1

          original was pretty linear, too, iirc.

          • +2

            @MatrixM: I guess all these Soldier Missions made sense at the time being little bite-sized timewasters on a portable console to knock a few out now and then when on the go, but here on contemporary home platforms it just comes across as bland copy+paste busy work that I gave up on about a dozen or two in :(

            At this rate I'm just going to beeline the main story to atleast experience it for once, and then try to flog it back to EB games or something 😕

        • It was always linear. It's a remake/remaster of a PSP game.

        • +1

          Can confirm that the original game was linear and way too many random encounters.

          I don't intend to relive that experience.

      • I will wait under 10

    • Given I paid like $50 for the game on release for PSP I'm inclined to agree.

    • I don't think any game really sells out these days…and quickly restocked anyway

      • +2

        And backlog is unreal for most people. So unless you’re wanting to play asap, I’d wait.

        • I still have backlog of ps4 games lol

  • Is this just a remaster of the PSP Crisis Core?

    • More of a remake, if somewhat less so than the FF VII remake. From what I've read at least.

      • FF VII Remake is a remake. This would be an extensive remaster.

    • It goes beyond what is expected of a remaster. They recreated most of the assets from ground up, which you can't do in a remaster. Those are just polished assets from the original.

      An example of a remaster would be Shadow of the Colossus PS3. An example of a remake would be Shadow of the Colossus PS4. A 1:1 remake, but there needs to be a distinction in effort between the PS3 and PS4 versions. PS3 just took the original game, polished some assets a bit and uprezzed it for a modern console. They didn't recreate the game from ground up like the PS4 version did.

      This game would be closer to SOTC PS4. But not quite matching the effort.

      • Right. So battle system still the same then?

        • I have not played the new version but I haven't heard anything about it changing.

  • +2

    Me? Gongaga.

    • -1

      But with inferior VA.

  • Apparently they didn’t remaster jack for cutscenes, those still look exactly like the PSP version. Should have just been a proper remake

    • They're AI upscaled, but they were already high quality (just low resolution) on the PSP. They look adequate, just not fantastic.

      They did the same for the Advent Children 4K BluRay (the Crisis Core FMVs were made during this film's production). They mustn't have the original project files for either anymore (classic Square), so this is the best they can do without redoing it from scratch.

  • +2

    My recommendation for buying this game:

    If you played the original on PSP and loved it (you'd be mad if you didn't), and aren't a diehard fan in a rush to play it, definitely wait until it goes on sale. I say this because while it's still great, and the remaster they've done is mostly awesome, it's still a 15 year old PSP game and you may not love it as much as you think. As mentioned, there are some parts that are lacking, mainly the VA change for Zack which I simply couldn't get past, but also some other "little" things like straight copy-pasted cinematics from the PSP.

    If you've never played the game and love the FF7 universe (you'd be mad if you didn't), I'd 100% buy the game because it provides a lot of interesting lore as to what happened before FF7, and the combat is still fun. That, and they've done a decent job of bringing a 15 year old PSP game into the modern age.

    If you've never played the game and aren't that into the FF7 universe, I'd wait for a sale as you may not feel like it'd be worth the money their asking.

    • Great advice, thanks for taking the time to write this up

    • I agree with this. Loved Crisis Core (despite thinking a lot of the Genesis plotline was kinda mid) and I'm enjoying this but I also could live without it, but I definitely recommend it to first timers. Important piece of lore.

      Zack's VA isn't as terrible as I expected but he's still just not the Zack I love and remember. He's missing a certain softness to his voice that made Zack lovable and endearing. He's got the goofy part down pat but not the emotion. Probably more a fault of the voice direction (SE is pretty hit and miss with voice direction, look at KH3). I just hope I get used to him by the time Rebirth comes out.

    • Ive only ever played the first part of the remakes. Would playing this ruin how i experience them at all? Concious thay most people wouldve played the OG ff7 and then crisis core

      • -1

        I can't see how, no. This game is a prequel to FF7, so there's no need to be concerned about "spoilers" or anything. Also nothing wrong with having played the OG FF7 (or even FF7R) and then Crisis Core, though I'd say you'd probably have gotten a better experience playing Crisis Core and then FF7R just for the sake of continuity.

        • Okay perfect thanks for that! I ask only because I know that some prequels can sometimes ruin the reveals in the original storyline under the assumption you knew already (i.e Fate series) so thought best to check

        • Prequels tend to spoil the original if you experience them first. Like, I would never recommend someone new to star wars to begin with the prequel trilogy.

      • with the remake, pretty much all bets are off. It diverges massively from the original game so what would be a spoiler to the original may not be a spoiler to the remake series.

        This game is a prequel to the original which covers events that are revealed later in the game (well past the point where Remake ended). But Remake may not go the same direction so maybe it's not a spoiler if remake is all you're playing.

    • Isn't this better on the switch?

  • Might sell out quickly.

    I really doubt it. I'm in the waiting for sub $20 wagon.

  • Wasnt this the price at release on Amazon?

  • The original game was pretty decent if you skipped the VR side missions. They are mindnumbingly repetitive and if you do them all (I think there are 300), the experience drops from a 7.5 - 8.0 out of 10 to a 3/10 imo. If you play those missions, you will hate the game, you will hate yourself, you will hate life, you will hate the universe, you will hate everyone including your own children if you have any (You probably won't want any if you don't).

    It is lazy copy and paste game creation. The least they could have done is made a random dungeon generator. Instead you get carbon copies of the same 5 maps to go through 60 times each.

    If you do them, you will be overpowered. They are the only way to get the most powerful materia. The game's difficulty doesn't rebalance itself, and assumes you didn't do them.

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