Mods collapse (off topic) my most positive (+67) voted comment ever?

I know this has been talked about before,but it seems as though the mods didn't read the previous comments that led to my comment or they just don't have a sense of humour.
It was deemed to be off topic.

My comment- "This is a great car,shame it's only a 6 cylinder and not a V8."

I won't explain how this comment is relevant because i am sure you are all smart enough to figure it out or more importantly have a sense of humour.

One of the great things about this website is the funny comments and it seems as though a lot of people agree with me so why collapse it?


  • It hasn't been removed. It's still there.


    • Huh? It has been collapsed.

      • Yep, Off-topic comments get collapsed. Sort of like reddit. You can choose to see all comments by changing the option in your Account Settings.

        Keep off-topic comments collapsed
        Keep the comments that have been marked as "Off-Topic" collapsed by default.

        • Thanks,i wasn't aware of that setting.So it is set by default to hide off topic comments.

          But i guess my point is that my comment wasn't off topic and now the majority of people cannot see it.

        • The people who want to see it can, those who are looking at comments about the deal itself dont have to wade thru all the off topic banter.

          I guess its what people come here for is it really bargains or to have a laugh? Sometimes they want both but that doesnt suit everyone everytime.

          Comedy is fine, but when it takes the deal way off topic with so many comments linked to it, then we adjust it so that both are accommodated.

          As you have some very highly rated bargain posts I think your success here is already without question.

        • -1

          Not worried about success on here.Just think it's a bit heavy handed.

          It seems as though my comment was picked out because of the high votes,every post has off topic comments that remain with a lot less votes.

        • Settle petal, why care about others if you are not interested in your own glory?

          You should understand there is changes being made all the time, you have been around long enough. Personally i see the sense in collapsing the post as its already been explained.

          Sure the comedy is fun, but its one of the things i come here for the main thing is bargains!

        • -1

          Ok you got me sweet pea,i do like the glory.

        • My friend..

          Sure the comedy is fun, but its one of the things i come here for the main thing is bargains!

          Sure the bargains save me money, but its one of the things i come here for the main thing is Fun !

        • +1

          Your at the wrong site :), your looking for

  • +2

    And it didnt even get you a badge

  • +3

    I lol'd.. Seriously no one cares haha

  • luke, feel free to add your comment to the epic posts wiki page. Perhaps maybe most highly voted collapsed comment?

    • ha ha ha

      most highly voted collapsed comment?

      now that is a sense of humour on display

      but seriously Mods, I understand you can never keep everyone happy,
      But please Keep the off topic comments on, that is just why I come here.

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