Elden Ring finally gets a decent discount for a physical copy, thanks to Amazon. Lowest ever I believe. $59 Delivered.
Finally jumping in at this price.. goodbye holidays! Enjoy.
Elden Ring finally gets a decent discount for a physical copy, thanks to Amazon. Lowest ever I believe. $59 Delivered.
Finally jumping in at this price.. goodbye holidays! Enjoy.
They gave it to God of War, I'm 140hrs in and still no end in sight, hopefully I'll get to play GOW next year. This game however will kill 200/300 hrs easy.
You must be referring to another award surely? GOTY went to Elden Ring.
140hrs and you still haven't made it past the tutorial area? The end is in sight once you do, hard to miss it.
Wow that’s some numbers. I platinumed in like 90 hours that included getting all ancient somber stones quests. How many play through you doing ?
Insane. Used any guides?
GOW:R won best narrative, among other awards. GOTY went to Elden Ring.
All 3 console versions (PS5, PS4 and XBX) are available at JB for $59
Stack with JB Perks and discounted gift cards for further savings :)
Excellent, even better deal, thanks!
Thanks. Ended up getting it for $49 from JB with my birthday month voucher. There goes my free time over the Xmas break.
Do you know if you can use the Perks sign up or birthday vouchers in store alongside a gift card?
I got a bunch of leftover ultimate gift cards from the recent coles sale, and they can only be used in store.
Would love to be able to stack these.
Yes you can use both Perks and gift cards to purchase
Only you can’t stack Perks and a coupon code
Awesome, cheers mate!
Does the ps4 version have a free upgrade to the ps5 version?
Excellent thanks for that. Hopefully they have some stock when i go in there later today.
The best way to play it is the PS4 version on PS5 don't upgrade lol.
Smoother, faster loading, the PS5 version is a bit glitchy and lower fps or something. Ask Google for a better explanation lol..
@User50301: Possibly, that was the way, I've been playing the PS4 version on PS5 since the beginning. When I've completed it I'll upgrade.
@User50301: Apparently it still hasn’t been fixed and from software has never been big on fixing these issues post release.
@ChillBro: Thanks for that info. I was going to buy the ps5 version but ended up getting the ps4 version. If something happens in the future and they fix it i'll upgrade to the ps5 version. I know the save won't work on it though. But all good, looking forward to giving it a go this arvo!
@krammis76: Have fun! And pro tip: feel free to ignore the first horse guy rather than spend an hour trying to beat it lol
@ChillBro: Will keep that in mind! :). I don't mind losing hours into this game but i'm happy to avoid losing hours for no reason! lol
@krammis76: Get bloodhound fang or you'll give up. There's a guide on YouTube it's like 100 episodes when you get lost..
@AuQld: Put about 3 hours into the game and i'm struggling. Definitely thinking about giving up. I think i found the first castle and first boss and he smashes me evertime. Guess i can look up the bloodhound fang and see if i'm able to get it. Otherwise i'm ready to give up. Just don't have the time or effort to waste too much time playing. In saying that i knew that going into this game. :P
@krammis76: I'm assuming you're stuck at margit? Most players get stuck there since he's probably the second steepest difficulty curves in the game. What level are you and how are you distributing your stats? Farming levels is generally not necessary but if you're struggling it might help to kill a few random enemies and level your VIT a bit.
And do you know how to summon? There is an NPC next to the boss door (sorcerer rogier) who you can summon over and over again. You can also summon other players to help out.
@krammis76: Yea if you get the fang and level it up all becomes easy, otherwise you're swimming against the river…
Great game
Wow, finally a decent discount. Rise fellow Tarnished, and prepare for a whole lot of messages relating to "holes" and "rump".
Could this be dog?
but hole
liar ahead
Try finger but hole
I assume they don't price match within 2 weeks right :(
Try fingers
But hole
PC (I have a 3080 and 43" monitor) or console (resale value)?
Better on console as from what I understand even with a beast of a PC you still get shader compilation stutter. I played through on PS5 (PS5 performance mode) around launch and the frame rate was good enough to enjoy hundred of hours with it.
Very tempting since i am on school holidays until the end of Jan, but i may not have a wife by the end of it if i buy it..
School holidays? You got married young.
I'm a school teacher
Don’t you have lesson plans and grading to do ya slacker.
50/50 chance if I’m honest
So am I better off getting a ps4 version and doing the upgrade
Best to play the PS4 version as its locked 60.
Unpopular opinion and probably will get downvoted but this game was not for me. Did not like the gameplay, graphics or anything for that matter.
Yep, I'm not really into Souls games either and that's perfectly okay. Still appreciate it's an impressive game.
Same here. Tried Bloodborne, Demon Souls and this. Couldnt get into any of them.
Username checks out. Probably died 5 seconds in. Should be dealsforlives
How can that be unpopular opinion?
If you said the game sucked that would be an unpopular opinion.
If you said you did not enjoy playing (like you did) that is a fact.
I was already in the fence after playing Souls 2 and absolutely hating it. My brother completely talked me out of it. If I wanted to fight a dragon with a crooked matchstick and a complicated jujitsu routine I’m sure I would have loved it. But I’d rather go poke my eye with a finger. These titles are pure masochism.
a great price - thanks OP :)
Question - I loved Bloodborne and Sekiro and almost finished both games but didn't like Demon Souls on PS5 and couldn't even get passed the first level. Where does Elden Ring land in combat style and pacing?
It's more like Dark Souls and Demon Souls, but its easier with summons. I recommend watching some gameplay on whether you will like it.
You should try Kena bridge of spirits if you haven’t already. It might look cutesy but they released a games plus update recently and redid all the boss fights to make them a more solid challenge. Similar boss gameplay style to Seikiro (IMHO). A bit easier though (although Sekiro lagged on my Xbox one which caused too many deaths - I think they eventually patched it).
PSA: PS4 Pro version is the best one to play on PS5. Locked 60fps with no dips, unlike the PS5 native version.
That was the case at release. Many updates have since been released and performance may have been improved.
Still not a locked 60 and suffers from lots of grass popup.
Your point about the PS5 version being worse than the PS4 version in terms of performance is moot though if your gaming on a VRR supported display
Game drops below 48fps thus breaking VRR, so no its not moot.
Well deserved GOTY!
I was on NG+2 and stopped playing a few months ago
No DLC news but maybe I’ll start a brand new character over Xmas :)
Is this similar gameplay to Assassins Creed?
No, you have to think about what you're doing instead of mashing buttons
Grabbed on series x, played on PC will give a go with controller :)
Gonna get EB to price match if it doesn't drop to $49 somewhere on the 26th
Does EB even still price match? Couldnt find anything on their website about it anymore
Yeah if the nearest JB has it then should be fine
Do they only match the nearest store?
What is if its not the nearest store
@colt75: Discretionary has been my experience. You could try calling and asking before you waste time heading down for them to say no. If you're level 4-5 EB World it might help your chances too.
Damn now I can't sell my copy for 50
Reiterating the above, consider buying the ps4 version which is the same price since it’s smoother (no it’s not been patched) and there’s a free upgrade to the ps5 version. Just note that if you upgrade it to ps5, your save can’t be converted back to the ps4 version and you’ll need to start again.
I platinum'd this game on PS5 and still want to play it again! Brilliant bloody game. Definitely deserved to win GOTY. The community is the best.
Did you get any performance issues? People are saying the best way to play this is using the ps4 version on the ps5.
I don’t remember having any performance issues it worked really well. I think all this is getting blown out of proportion. I had 3 other friends I coop’d with who had PS5 versions as well and they didn’t have any problems either.
Yeah fair enough. I'm downloading the ps4 version at the moment. Might download the ps5 version also and play each for half an hour or so to see how they run.
Anyone know if the Amazon listing is the launch edition or not, the title doesn’t say it but the second photo says so
This game or Ghost of Tsushima? (They are both around the same price at JB)
Tsushima is a gorgeous cinematic experience.
It's free on PS Plus extra.
Gameplay is more accessible to general public.
If you like challenge, then go for Elden Ring.
It will give you more hours to sink in.
Both games are awesome in their own way.
People say this isn't the same as souls games, but if I hate souls games, I assume I won't like this either?
If you hate souls game, then high chance you won't like this one.
The main difference is that you are allowed to roam tp other locations in this.
Allowing you to level up and over power the enemies.
Thanks, I'll avoid it then.
Having to regularly replay certain parts over and over again to pass it isn't fun for me. I also really dislike Hades for the same reason. I did enough grinding against hard mobs when I raided on WoW.
Yea, I also don't enjoy Rogue like games such as Hades.
It's a bit frustating to play the same level over and over and your pregress will largely depending on your luck getting good items on that run.
Souls are slightly different as in our character is getting stronger bit by bit.
But I understand, us adults don't have as much free time and it can feel as a waste of time to play the same thing over and over.
It's pretty darn similar.
Thanks OP. Picked up the PS4 version.
Arrives before christmas for select prime customers, pretty much game of the year.