This was posted 2 years 2 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Epic] Free - Fallout: Classic Collection (3 Games) (23/12) & Encased (24/12) @ Epic Games


Revealing the next 2 day’s Epic freebies ie days 8 & 9.

Times in AEDT -

Each game is available for 24 hours only.

Unlimited 25% off coupons off full games when spend $22.99 - automatically applies in cart.

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Epic Games
Epic Games

closed Comments

  • Awesome

  • +1

    Great :)

    These would be great on mobile imho.

  • +3

    But war…
    War never changes…"

    • +3

      Use heroic launcher to avoid most the bull

      • Is there an advantage to Heroic Launcher over Playnite?

        • I think Heroic Launcher only allows access to GOG and Epic Games libraries

          • @corgi-runner: No you can add any .exe to Heroic and it automatically adds it to steam if you tick the setting

    • I use Opera on my mobile and I'm nearly always still logged in when I go to claim a free game. Still have to jump through hoops the other times, but I think it's been about 3 times over the whole year. I think Steam is the same though. I think there are real issues with hacking accounts with games.

  • +1

    Another set of games I'll never play…

  • +54

    The classic Fallout games, particularly 1 & 2, are widely acclaimed and still considered by many to be some of the best PC games to have ever been made.

    That being said, I recommend that gamers make use of various community-developed patches, unofficial fixes and mods to improve and enhance their classic Fallout gaming experience on their modern PC setups:

    • +3

      Thanks, was coming in here to check on mods - haven't played these in decades, but remember the inventory management in 1 being annoying. Hope there's a mod for that!

    • +3

      Fallout 2 is an amazing game

  • Classics. First 2, at least - I never played Tactics.

    • Tactics was very different (okay) and quite frustrating with some crashes (not okay) if I recall correctly.

      • I don't remember much crashes and surely that would be patched/modded now. I do remember really enjoying the unique combat system (there are probably lots of games now with that system but I have yet to play anything like it. Similar to Commandos but faster paced).

        • Maybe I just got half way through a long level and couldn’t progress rather than crashes… it’s been about 20 years!

  • +1

    Cant say no to another Epic freebie pack :)

  • +3

    "This product is not compatible with your current device"…..because I don't have Windows 95? ;-)

    There aren't going to be many left to buy if Epic keep giving them away. They don't have a bazillion games like Steam.

    • +1

      I think they'll be ok… If they can survive a $500m adverse legal finding they can cope with giving away a few 25yo games ;-)

      • +1

        I just find it amazing that Epic has only 1600 titles. Steam has over 50,000 and doesn't give away nearly as many.

        • +2

          Yeah, but there's a lot of crap on Steam… Epic have the Unreal engine, what they have is a very high standard from professional dev studios. Anyone can submit whatever junk they like on Steam.

          • +2

            @TrevorX: The point being that Steam could do a lot better. Heck, even GOG has better giveaways than Steam.

            • +1

              @Cheap Gamer: Heh yeah Steam have #@$% all discounts and sales, 90% of my Steam library was from third party promotions that provided steam keys, they weren't directly from steam itself.

              In their defence, Steam did revolutionise the way we buy games. Maybe someone else would have done it five to ten years later, but before Steam we had no choice but to buy new games at $115 from EB Games, and they really held their value for a long time. Steam pretty much smashed that business model single handedly. Now there are lots of competing platforms in a similar way to Netflix revolutionising content distribution and now there are 40,000 streaming services so if you want access to all the content it will cost you $1k a month, and people wonder why filesharing's suddenly back in vogue…

              Anyway, steam's not perfect, but I'm more comfortable with it than some other platforms coughOrigincoughcough Not that I've played games in like 20 years, but that hasn't stopped me collecting over 800 games in the last 10 haha. Besides I have kids who are starting to benefit from it ;-)

  • If your having problems checking out with all three games in the cart. You'll need to purchase Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game separately from Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. As Fallout 2 seems to be causing problems at checkout when purchased together with the other 2 games.

    • epic games doesn't like it when you purchase more than one game at once.

  • +8

    Still have these games on CDs when they first launched. FO 1 and 2 are two of the best games I've ever played. Worth a try if you want to play a classic

    • +2

      Played a Fallout Tactics demo that was on a PC Powerplay disc from a showbag, thought it was OK. 6 months later I saw Fallout 1 (jewel case) in an Electronics Boutique bargain bin, for $2. Amazing game.

      Could not find 2 anywhere, until 2 years later, my dad's mates neighbour who had broadband, downloaded an ISO, and the day I got a copy ranks above at least 50% of my childhood Christmases.

  • +5

    Can't believe I've been collecting all these free games for this long. Still have the Fallout Classics Collection in my GOG games library. From there free giveaway back in December 2013.

  • I still remember the first time running it on 486dx, very good storylines and gameplay.

    Ahhh good old days

  • What is Encased like?

    • Like Fallout. Post apocalyptic isometric turn based but with shinier graphics.

  • The best, thank yoU!

  • +2

    For those who weren't aware / missed it, Fallout just recently had its 25th anniversary (e.g. Steam sale deal post, 25th Anniversary bundle for Fallout 76 deal post)

    There are plenty of videos / podcasts on YouTube about Fallout 1 & 2, here's a couple that are retrospective-oriented:

  • +4

    Does anyone else think we need a dealbot appreciation day?

    Seriously, thanks for everything you do, mate.

    • +1

      Government should make it an annual public holiday

  • Brilliant games ! Fallout 1 is an all time classic

  • +1

    I was going to bpurchase Encased on Steam since it was 80% off. Free is even better, though Epic doesn't have achievements.

  • +3

    Dammit! I missed yesterday's games. Not sure how I managed that.

    • Me too! $#!& ;-(

  • +1

    Damn I missed encased because i set the notification for the expiry day instead of manually, ugh oh well
    I would have preferred multiple games don’t get grouped like this

    • yeah agreed, very bizarre decision by the OP

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