• expired

nbn 250/25 $93.90/Month (Ongoing Discount, No Lock-in Contract, FTTP and HFC Only) @ Zoom Broadband


Looking for a great deal on a 250Mbps internet plan? Zoom Broadband offers 250Mbps to Ozbargain viewers at a great price of only $93.90 per month.

The pricing will not expire and does not increase after 6 months.

A bit about Zoom Broadband.

We are an Australian based RSP with POP's in NSW & VIC (Newly released VIC + POP mean faster speeds and lower latency for the southern states as an alternative to our previous routing via NSW.

Our network utilises IPoE / DHCP / Dynamic IP now as oposed to PPPoE, so please ensure your modem can support IPoE / DHCP / Dynamic IP configuration.

We're using GSL as our primary upstream network provider as well as peering with IAA and MegaIX for reduced latency to common content delivery networks such as Amazon, Netflix ETC.

We're not here to be loved by everyone, we provide a great value internet service for a fair price.

Any questions, feel free to reach out to me in a DM, or post below.

Shane. Zoom BB

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Zoom Broadband
Zoom Broadband

closed Comments

                                                  • @[Deactivated]: Thats all i needed to hear, cheers

                                                    Go spend some time with your family mate

                                                    i would if i could, COVID

                                                    • @whitepuma: Yeah my inlaws have it too. horrible way to spend xmas.

                                                  • @[Deactivated]: Your website API says otherwise

                                    • @whitepuma: Sounds like whitepuma has an Honours in everything from the University of Whirlpool. Did you go to school with chaddy.

                                • +3

                                  @whitepuma: Agreed, everything about Zoom Broadband and Epic Broadband including the shareholders of the company are on the Public record. Also if they weren't associated with Jake B why the heck would he have his email adress and mobile number in the code of the Zoom Broadband website that makes no sense. They are bullshit artists plain and simple and all of this is publicly available info that Zoom BB have made public. Not defaming anyone as Zoom BB have lied about the size of their network publicly and a lot of other stuff.

                        • +1

                          @whitepuma: It was discovered that a test account with Jake Berry's name was listed on the Hypernet website Hypernet are associated with Zoom in that they are the main network provider they use. Those of us in the business think that Jake B is acting in a consultant type role to Zoom to hide his full involvement. So he doesn't need to take a direct hit if and when the business fails.
                          Take a look at https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/90x1v08n?p=8
                          That thread also explains in clear detail everything that is wrong with using the framework they have used. Its a databreach waiting to happen.

  • +2

    Everyone please do stay away from them. My details got leaked. Informed them that i know my detailes were leaked. They replied with this BS story:

    I'm writing to you in reference to your comments on OzBargain.

    You've noted that you have had direct contact with the persons responsible for the potential data breach.

    We're working with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to tackle any potential breach of information as this is a serious criminal offence.

    The ACSC and the AFP have noted your comment and requested that we reach out to you and ask for you to provide the information of the person(s) who sent you this information so we can work with them to identify these attackers.

    As you can understand with the recent occurences of data breaches in Australia, we want to tackle these potential troubles head on and would appreciate your assistance without subopenas to investigate the attack further.

    I'm looking forward to hearing back from you shortly.


    Shane West
    Zoom Broadband

    Asked them for proof as I call BS on this and will not share details about this. They were not hacked, they have a sht setup.

    • You don't need to post this stuff in multiple threads read what I wrote on this before.
      So Zoom did the leaking themselves nothing was hacked.
      This is where the client side frameworks aren't good for handling personal data.
      I covered this in the other thread in more detail.

  • -3

    Honestly, anyone who has showed any interest in all this garbage can clearly see that these are the same trolls who are serial pests on the internet, and this can be easily found with a simple search of the internet that a 12 year old can do.
    All I have to say is the average punter is not interested in this garbage.
    If you are one of the types of ppl like these serial pests who live and breed miss information and claim to be so successful then you must have some serious insecurities.

    • I'm not trolling, this security issue with Zoom Broadband in particular is something that needs to be taken seriously. They shouldn't of had names and other personally identifiable information in the code of the website and the AWS passwords and other stuff to do with stripe really really shouldn't of been anywhere near the sourccecode of the website for public viewing which it was.
      This was a result of Zoom rushing the product to market without any proper testing. Also to address the other post, it doesn't take months to come up with a decent website our development teams could build something like that in PHP or another server side language in 2 or three months tops.
      That is why frameworks exist but its picking the right ones for the job.
      No one now a days is hand coding every single line of code but you can use server side and client side frameworks together to come up with a solution that doesn't leak everyone's info to the web.

  • -1

    Chad mate all I could ever see is the test data that showed old mate Jake B details showing there for some reason but stripe was confirmed safe in the WP forum and still no proof of any real customer details.
    For some reason if you look at the site now everything has vanished!

    • +1

      So if there was no data leak issue how did I get a PM with my private information? Sounds like you being paid to provide those positive reviews.. so far no feedback from zoom about confirming they have lodged actual cases about the data leak. Think this might make another good article on 7News

      • -1

        Honestly, your story did not seem worthy as it was obvious you had a problem with Zoom to begin with and your info was not leaked because your full of it and you advertised yourself all over the internet with your business so I believe your the one being paid to troll and from what you reckon that I am being paid when that is totally not the case.

        • Haha yea you are a perfect example of why this planet has so many idiots. But go sign up, enjoy their sht service and have fun. You also more than welcome to come by and say this in front of my face.

          Edit: oh wow just saw your account here is brand new… that ain't dodgy at all lol. Your the pinnacle of dumb and dumber

          • @RenVilo: Yeah so it wasn't leaked as such just poor work from their developer. They use a drag and drop platform.

          • +3

            @RenVilo: Yeah, Sheeptel's account is only as new as this month, and every bit of activity around that account is around these zoom broadband posts….not hard to see what's going on here.

    • The post is in the Whirlpool thread with all the public info and they posted an archive of the file I believe as well.

  • Reported Zoom to OzBargain admins. Hoping they will be delisted forever. Also reached out to a few news agencies.

  • ACA would give it a run for sure.

  • Absolutely welcome the media on this one, cause it has no effect on me but when it does happen, all of you will be exposed and your businesses will suffer from this trolling behaviour and thats your own fault for posting such content that karma will come back to haunt you all.

    • Lol

  • +1

    Well I don't have any complaints about the Broadband service I provide and we have a network that actually delivers the advertised speeds oh and we actually comply with all the Government regulations for ISPs in Australia including signing the Consumer Protection Guidelines TCP from Coms Alliance.
    ACMA make you do this when you become an ISP.
    So if the cheap unsustainable pricing doesn't end you the fines from the TIO will.
    I notice this has now been fixed and Zoom Broadband is now a TIO member but still, the general attitude of blaming customers and exaggerating how large the network is doesn't look good for them.

    • Interesting though how the phone number on their TIO membership doesn't actually connect you to customer service, i'm not completely aware of the dial tones, but for me i just got 4 short beeps, i always thought that meant disconnected.

      • I'd log that issue with the TIO as its legally required for them to have a customer service number as part of their membership.

        • Still going gents?

  • What are you going to do if and when your wholesale provider jacks the price up by $20 or $50, because they will wholesale providers do it all the time without notice in most cases particularly in the climate we are in with the Economy the way it is.
    You will end up with angry customers.
    Or no margins either of which isn't ideal.
    Also in terms of your financials you posted comments on how much you were loosing per month in this thread or one of the other ones I did read it publicly it worked out your loosing something like $1,5 million dollars a year which isn't good or sustainable.

    • How do you have any idea what our financials are, how we're backed or anything to do with our business plan when you have nothing to do with our business Chad.

      I've told you before, we have a plan in place.

      Also, if FSG decides to jump their pricing on us we just go straight to NBN and setup a WBA, it's pretty simple. FSG is convenient for us, and as long as there are no network problems upstream we will stay with them long term. But our WBA application is basically complete with NBN and ready to be pushed, we just dont want to spend the $XXX per POI for the setup of infrastructure right this moment. The only alternative is to do VWBA but then its no different to an aggregated WBA like we have with FSG.

      You might have some experience in your realm, we have experience in ours.


  • You were publicly complaining about spending $500 thousand to setup the business publicly on this forum only a few weeks ago.
    In that same post you commented on how much money you were loosing per month.
    You comment publicly basically if you don't want us to know anything just don't comment its quite simple.

    • And why is it any of your concern if we do spend that money, are you backing us?


      • I've been in this industry a long time and know people in the industry and how much it costs to run hosting companies and IsPs its not cheap. It comes down to attitude as well you guys are all over the shop and you bullshit a lot about the size of your network you have one upstream provider in Hypernet and that is a newly established business that no one has ever heard of run by an ex Epic Broadband staff member, or at least consulted to by him.
        All this info is publicly available well the upstream providers are anyway.
        Plus the company director info is also public and others have taken an interest in that.
        As I've said the likes of Vocus with Iprimus and their other cheap brands own that end of the market.
        That is the shit part of online most of the wholesale businesses own retail brands so they will give you food while eating your lunch at the same time. They don't care as they are multi million dollar companies.
        As long as you continue to pay the bill you'll be fine.
        Otherwise they will just dump you.

  • So what’s your point, you keep saying all of this over and over and over again.

    As I have said before, you’re in your business and we’re in ours.

    Why is it any of your business if we want to play in the cheap end of the market? (Also it’s not our intentions long term, AGAIN there’s a strategy at play)

    We haven’t BS about anything in our network? We have said it pretty straight. A POP in NSW, QLD & VIC are active now, connectivity at all 3 and local backhaul.

    We use a few upstreams like GSL, OneQode Megaport and IXAU

    Wheres the BS?

    Like honestly I cannot even understand why you are still here on our forum posting about how our business should operate when you have your own business to run… it just doesn’t make sense.


  • https://bgp.he.net/AS150127#_peers
    That is Hypernet's network unless you own them as well? which proovess you were BSing about the Jake B relationship not existing.
    Zoom broadband PTY LTD only has Hypernet listed as an upstream provider.
    As per https://bgp.he.net/AS150398#_peers
    That only lists Hypernet.
    That took about 30 seconds to find. Not hard.

  • We use Hypernet for our upstream, they do the peering.

    Is that what your having a cry about? That I said our peers are Hypernet’s peers.

    Ok I’m sorry chad, we’re a cross connect deeper than what I originally stated.

    Come on man when will you move on. You’re nitpicking on nonsense now.

    I’m only here responding because this is a business I have interest in defending, but if I was in your shoes which I’m trying to put myself in I just keep scratching me head as to why you’re wasting your time? What are you getting from this, do you feel good?

  • Its called having, processes tools and staff.
    Oh and multi tasking, you come across as a bit defensive and standoffish when people ask basic questions.
    Your first response is to jump down peoples throats as well when they are critical which isn't really great from a customer service or a sales pov.
    Also publicly telling people you don't want them as customers isn't a good move either.
    Frankly you should go and do basic sales and customer service training.

    • Ok that’s your final words, I should do some CS training?

      Anything else or that’s it for now…


  • +1

    I think that covers everything,

    • Okay great, chat tomorrow when you decide to post on our forums again.

  • +1

    Point I was trying to get at before is that you need at least 3 transit providers for a half decent network and for redundancy as well. At the moment your relying on one provider.

    • We rely on one provider who gives us access to multiple.

      Yes, i agree the more peers the better. But with more peers comes more cost. Its an economy of scale thing.

      You of all people should know this.

      These super cheap plans just physically cannot deliver the same as hyper premium ones. We're not denying that.

      What we stand for is affordable, simple internet. Its not amazing, ultimately low latency to every corner of the earth, but it's a good price and works well for general everyday users.

  • But you haven't even got free peering or fairly cheap peering through Equinix and the IX exchanges which isn't hard to setup.
    Also Megaport is cheap as well.
    You haven't even got Cogent or He transit which are also dirt cheap.
    Or Superloop would be the other one that way you get access to Telstra without paying for it.

    • All on the plans mate, not much we could get connected to during the Xmas period unfortunately, or even closely prior.

      Super loop takes months to respond to enquires on their website,

      IX AU doesn’t do much

      We had Megaport for a majority of our IX but just ditched it as we were doubling up on those BGP routes over GSL and we have a good price with GSL anyway so reduce port costs.

      We have HE via Hypernet

      Cogent are hassling us to connect but past experiences they don’t really give much unless there’s some L2 between AU and US and then pickup transit in US.

  • NSW and Vic IX are your best bet for getting peering with the likes of Google. But yeah November is a shit time to be setting up an ISP because of the Imbargo periods you should of known this if you have previous experience.
    Good luck with it anyway.

    • It's taken 12 months already to get to where we are today. Now it's network opimization stage.


      • Now it's network opimization stage.


  • Even Microsoft can't get their network right though and they spend 3 billion a year or something like that.

    • -1

      Nobody will get it right, it's technology. So many problems.

  • No but only Microsoft would route traffic from Perth to Sydney and then back to Perth and then to Sydney again and then to Melbourne, I noticed this the other week when I was viewing looking glasses.

    • Well although Microsoft have some odd routing at times at least they have more then one core router. This lack of redundancy in the network was exactly what I was talking about.

  • If I want to go with you guys and use a modem router combo instead of a modem and a router, do you have any recommendations? tia

    • Hi Gila, it depends on whic plan. Are you looking at the 250/25?


      • maybe 100/40 or 250/25, haven't decided yet, but def wanna get a modem router beforehand.

      • all good

  • +2

    Can see why they went out of business. Yikes.

  • WTF…… My internet cut out this evening then I get this email :


    Last night 02/01/2023 our primary BGP router (main router that powers our network) has failed. This has caused a significant amount of our network to become unstable and unable to operate properly. As the router is out of warranty period with the vendor we are unable to replace this device quickly.

    We understand this is frustrating for you we just do not have the liquidity right this moment to instantly replaced the failed router.

    Zoom Broadband regretabally will be disconnecting all customer services we currently have whilst we take some time to re-build our network (this process could take a few months). In order for us to be able to refund you in full we are disconnecting services immediately.

    We will be refunding all payments taken on 01/01/2023 for the month of Janurary's service immediately. Please allow up to 5 business days for the refund to arrive on your card.

    We hope that you may be able to re-join Zoom Broadband in the future once our network has been re-built.

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message me directly via [email protected] i will be online and available as usual throughout the next week to answer any queries.

    Kind Regards,

    Ryan G

    Head of Customer Service

    Zoom Broadband

    Zoom Broadband © 2022. All Rights Reserved.

    Level 1, 1024 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

  • this statement didn't age too well did it

    If you want a decent priced internet connection, with a good network and good upstreams, you know where the signup page is.

    • No that statement certainly didn't age too well. Hence why I brought it up in the first place about the lack of redundancy in the network. But they just treated the experience like a huge joke.
      People need to value their own time and their money more.

      • Chaddy you do realise that it was your influence to crunch the numbers and see that it was an absolute joke to keep operating and that was the outcome and its rediculous to even contemplate marketing in the residential sector unless your prepared to have an expensive hobby,

        • You do know this site has other forums besides the Zoom Broadband threads? Unless your an ex employee?
          Plenty of providers doing just fine selling residential broadband as they have the funds to support it.
          Leaptel and Future Broadband for one.

  • Yeah, and I guess customers will have to learn the hard way that unless they pay more for a premium service like ABB and get decent peering and no rubbish connection like the cheaper providers, there will always be problems unless you pay more for a better quality service.

  • You do realize that Leaptel is still cheaper then Zoom was but has a much larger and more redundant network.
    Its nothing to do with what the consumer pays its all about how many millions of dollars you can give your wholesale providers.
    Plus getting volume you need thousands of customers for a residencial ISP to work at least at the budget end, this is why Australia post and others do fine as they have established customer bases.
    The Future Broadband discussion thread on whirlpool gives you some interesting insight as to how the consumer thinks and the issues with running an ISP.

  • Well than you have already stated before that the cheap pricing is not able to be sustained without compromise, so like I said without all the peers like how Optus have approx 75 peers and Leaptel have only like 3, why would you bother with these cheap garbage networks.

    • ozbargain.com.au - really worth a look, lots of deals and other forum posts to interact with…

    • Leaptel have 39 networks they peer with owned by www.xi.com.au and they are direct with NBN so have spent the $5000000 to do that.

  • From what I see they use 3 peers for domestic backhual that are Vocus, Lumen and Hurricane electric and anything international they use GSL.

  • They use xi.com.au network as they are owned by them.

  • What a shock this didn't work out (!)

  • If you were with zoom….check if you have been charged post disconnect email. Someone on whirlpool appears to have been

    • This was the exact playbook they used for Epic Broadband as well setup a cheap shitty ISP, get a bunch of people sucked in with cheap deals and then shut down a short time later but they make sure to use credit card payments only and direct debit so the money keeps flowing in.
      I should point out this practice of charging for a service you can't provide is actually illegal in Australia and the ACCC and the TIO would be rather interested.
      Previous customers of Zoom should complain to the ACCC.

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