Hello smart ppl!
Hope I can make sense in this question.
I got a NBN box fitted in the garage. There is a Wall socket next to it which has 5 inputs for the Internet cable. There are 4 outputs in different rooms of the house. With my understanding each one has a match to the other only then the UNI-D1 orange light blinks on NBN box. Now is it possible to put 1 input in the garage wall from the NBN box and get 2 output in the home? This is due to the issue that with 2 possible places to keep the router wherever I use it doesn't give good wifi to the other part. I am wondering if I can use direct cable from wall output at one place and then keep the router to the other part.
I have ZTE H268A Router in the Garage setup next to the NBN Box.
If above doesn't work at all then getting Wifi extender is the solution?
Here is Router https://tinyurl.com/yatd7krw
this is the NBN box and next to it the the ports https://tinyurl.com/2smrsfk3
First, what type of NBN connection you got.
You still need a router, usually they comes with few additional ports plus wireless.
It be NBN box to router then rest of the house.
Look like whatever you describing in NBN box is for different NBN connection.