Hey guys,
Just posting here because the actual deal is closed now and I can't comment on it http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/65512 - want to check with the others who got this deal but haven't gotten their case yet. I received an e-mail today with them saying that we're definitely getting our 'overseas' stock, and that we'll receive it by August 31. Thing is, I fly out in two and a half weeks, so I'm hoping it arrives by then - I believe I ordered mine around the 25th of April.
Any luck with anyone else? If you see this can you please tell me when you received your case, and when you ordered it? Oh also - my account says that it's still been 'cleared'… not delivered yet. :S
For the mods, can I keep this forum active? It seems that the original deal's commenting keeps getting deactivated - I don't know if it's automatic or by mistake, but twice it's happened now, and I'm really hoping to just get comments/feedback from anyone else who's in the same predicament as me… I think a forum post might be best. Hopefully you'll let this stay - thanks.
Comments on deals got deactivated after 45 days, or has not been commented on for 14 days, whichever happens later.