• expired

[PC, Epic] Free - Sable (19/12) & Them's Fightin' Herds (20/12) @ Epic Games


Revealing the next 2 day’s Epic freebies ie days 4 & 5.

Times in AEDT -

Each game is available for 24 hours only.

Unlimited 25% off coupons off full games when spend $22.99 - automatically applies in cart.

Reason why Epic may have scaled back their Xmas freebies.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Sable is a beautiful artistic coming of age, exploration game where a young teenager learns the path to adulthood trying to understand the world beyond their village and the various occupation there are. You have a hoverbike to travel throughout the map, doing various quests like meeting people, gathering items and platforming.

    Every screenshot of this game is like a painting.

  • +2

    Sable is fantastic, I played about 10 hours but ran out of time playing it on game pass as it was removed and have since been waiting to get it on PC as performance on my series x was not great.

    • +1

      Performance on Series X was not great… 😳 How heavy is this game?

      • +1

        Saying that I suppose my Steam Deck is out of discussion… 😅

        • Not for sure. Being a small screen, 720p might be very playable.

      • +2

        just not well optimised

      • +1

        As Raynes says, it's not well optimised. I played through on XSX and completed it. It would start off OK, but would start to drop frames and chug after a few hours. A reboot would fix it, but the cycle would repeat itself. Great game though.

      • good thing this is on PC then, ran smoothly for me on my 3 year old system at 1440p.

  • +7

    Will always love Sable for introducing me to Japanese Breakfast music

    • Got any good Spotify playlists or album recommendations?

  • Oh nice, sable. Was gonna play it on gamepass but it was running very poorly last time I tried it, so i forgot about it.

    And yay, time to learn them fighting herds. Is there still a player base for it? It's like, 6 years since release at this point right?

  • +1

    Your account is unable to download any more free games at this time, please wait 24 hours before trying to redeem a free game again.

    Got this message when trying to redeem :(

  • +1

    Goddammit, I missed Sable by 3 hours.

    • +1

      Missed the second one by 29 mins ffs.

  • Next free game to be released 21st Dec 3am AEDT. Is likely to be Wolftenstein The New Order (2014) a previous free giveaway from June 2022. According to this thread

  • +1
  • +4

    Lmao at today's free game. Designed by the same person that designed my little pony. I'm too embarrassed to even add that to my library

    • +1

      You're embarrassed to add it? Maybe just try playing with a friend, after all Frienship is Magic.

  • +2

    age I added today's game without research…

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