Reset ING Maximiser Monthly Growth Requirement

Stuffed up last month and forgot to roll the money back into the ED account the last day of the month.

On the 1/1/23 should I roll it all out into Ubank just leaving 1K in ING then on 1/2/23 play their game again? $1001 then $1002
Doing this way I wont see any bonus interest till March?

The money sitting in the ED account does that still get the bonus interest sitting there?

Is there a better way of doing this?

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  • +1

    Transfer in some money from ubank at the end of Jan. That way you can activate your bonus interest etc again for Feb.

  • Ing 1
    Jizmo 0

  • No interest on the Orange Everday (OE) account

    Open up another Savings Maximiser account if you want to reset the balance

    • So if I'm rolling in and out of OE and SM to keep it at a low balance for the growth rate.
      Say 50K stays in the OE for 3 days. That's 10% of a month so in reality 90% x 4.55% = 4.095%.

      I might leave my money in Ubank for a couple of months and see if it works out.

  • Sorry to highjack this thread.
    I need to withdraw a big chunk of money from my ING maximiser. I'd like to still earn the bonus next month, but not forfeit or mess up my current month.
    Say I've got $100k in maximiser, want to withdraw $50k. How do I go about it, should I withdraw on the last day of the month ? Thank you

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