What is the best value for money baby monitor?
Has anyone used a Eufy camera for a baby monitor?
I'm also looking to possibly buy Eufy cameras so perhaps this could double up…
What is the best value for money baby monitor?
Has anyone used a Eufy camera for a baby monitor?
I'm also looking to possibly buy Eufy cameras so perhaps this could double up…
thanks Archi, I didn't know about this and I'm glad I posted here! I'll check it out.
Get a small tripod with flexible legs as well to attach to the edge of the cot too.
The ears on the side of your head is the best value for money option.
It has worked for centuries.
The ears on the side of your head is the best value for money option.
Not if they are faulty…
That is what Morocco will be saying tomorrow morning…
That's what we have been doing thus far. We want to make sure that we can know and might be out in the garden or out of earshot.
Has anyone used a Eufy camera for a baby monitor?
That is $715…
Too much to spend for a baby…
Not as expensive as getting a new one.
I might be being ignorant because I don't have my own kids, but curious - why not just moved the baby into your room? Then you can see and hear everything without a 'baby monitor'.
We usually do though when our baby is sleeping we like to let them rest without moving them. Also we might be out in the garden or out of earshot.
That makes sense! In my mind, I was just thinking night time. Didn't think about day time at all!
because, a lot of the times when the baby is sleeping the parents aren't
Also, depending on the baby's age, they may want the baby to sleep in a separate room. Ours were in their own room once they outgrew a bassinet (~6 months). It can be extremely inconvenient having a baby sleeping in your room. Also, I found the kids slept better in their own room anyway.
It's one of the most useless purchases IMHO. A friend gave us theirs second hand. We used it maybe once. Maaaaybe makes sense if you are In a huge (more than 35sq) house and the baby is in a room many rooms away.
The baby cot was in our room for the first year and then in another room. Baby lungs are good enuf to get your attention
I don't think its that useless. Yes, probably not essential for most but can be really convenient for a quick check.
Convenient, sure. Can easily do without, definitely
we use the tapo c series for a makeshift baby cam w/ the tapo app.. $50 will do it?
That also looks ideal, have you used one?
nah haven't, sitting on the fence, reviews looks decent
I grabbed one of these when we had our first specifically so that I could be cycling on the trainer/Zwifting while she napped in her room and I'd know if she was awake.
Had the thing muted almost always. The LEDs are obvious enough when they're making noise.
old phone and Alferd camera app