This was posted 2 years 2 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Pokemon Violet $39 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Matching the JB HiFi deal without the additional 10%. Enjoy.

Scarlet is also $49, but that seemed less exciting.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • +10

      I've been playing it since launch day, and don't share this sentiment. I also appreciate people have different bars for what they expect from a game. Which is important, when they demand so much of our time and there's so many hours in the day. I think what I agree on is it'd be good for people to know what they're getting into when they purchase this. Then some people will like it, and some won't. And I think that's okay too. If GameFreak want more people to like it, then there's some obvious patching they can do.

      • Agreed, although i was having some performance issues during the tutorial, i found it captivating enough to push through and mostly had no issues and a lot of fun.

        It has been effecting some worse than others, im not to bothered/ don't notice if the game dips in fps occasionally (very rarely noticeable for me)

        • +2

          Agree, it can be glitchy (I got soft locked once jumping on a building), but it's not even close to being unplayable.

      • +4

        @Lockdude - That's fair and reasonable. The game would do more justice to release a demo so that people can see for themselves before making the investment in time and money. My experience was that the frame rate, clipping and repetitive graphical assets weren't enough to suspend disbelief and were nauseating.

        • I found the tutoring sort of nauseating too. For some reason though, that feeling went away. Either I got used to it, or the tutorial was particularly bad. It felt similar to when I played Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. The first level was soooooo bad framerate wise. Then it got better. I don't know if the games are maybe doing additional setup copying in the background during the tutorial or something?

          I had the game crash on me twice (maybe 3 times?). Mostly when near caves. And the pop in I've also gotten used to.

          All stuff that doesn't land it in my "best game ever" pile. All stuff I'd love to see fixed. But none of it is game-breaking for me. Plus I just love the pokemon franchise. And that goes a long way.

          I also think their ambition has reached a level that a 2017 tablet is struggling to keep up with.

          None of that is an excuse of course, but at the very least, its issues jump over my minimum bar (even if they don't exceed it by a lot), and I've enjoyed the game immensely.

          • +1

            @Lockdude: They really had the right idea with the game and it its not a stretch that it could have been a masterpiece, but it missed the mark almost certainly because of a rush to get it into stores before the holidays. Its just not feasable for development to patch it as it would require far too much time for little financial return at this point.

          • @Lockdude: 2017 tablet still runs amazing games like BotW, Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Gamefreak definitely rushes this game and at the same time incompetent with 3D games.

            They refuse to expand their team while forced to churn out games on a much higher rate.

          • @Lockdude: @Lockdude I'm glad you pointed out the similary to Age of Calamity, that's actually a good comparison come to think of it because that too was a phenomenal game but I put it down (with the intention of picking it up again) soon for the same reasons .

            I'm pretty tolerant of the things like performace issues to be honest, so I really don't mean to come across as overly critical - maybe you're right and it was the tutorial that was just too draining. The only other game apart from Violet/Scarlet and Age of Calamity that were jarring was Monster Hunter Stories 2 - Wings of Ruin. Incidentaly, the issues that hold Violet/Scarlet back aren't apparent and allow you to break through - it has excellent graphics, quick learning curve and a lot of effort put into the game despite its flaws.

            To be honest, I've got a real hankering to pick up Age of Calamity now!

            Edit: Why downvote any contrary opinions? I like OzBargain as a site, but having this stupid system really defeats the point of having an unbiased dialogue, which at the end of the day a product review is supposed to be. One fat downvote for OzBargain for even adopting such a peculiar format - it stinks of self promotion.

      • What are the tutorials and cutscenes like?

        I was pretty much unable to play Pokemon Sword because the first 3 hours was tutorial followed by cutscene followed by tutorial and barely any gameplay for more than a couple minutes at a time, and for someone that has been playing this series for 25 years. Having tutorials to explain mechanics that have never changed and can't be skipped is just too much for me when my backlog is as big as it is. Sword seeemed to be the absolute worst for it, and i found sun/moon awful for it too but managed past it

    • +1

      Disagree. The graphics are disappointing in 2022 but the game itself is still solid and enjoyable. People don’t play Pokémon for the graphics anyway

      • +6

        Not just the graphics but the performance and glitches are really bad.

    • Im enjoying it. Put 22 hrs in and only had one crash. The framerrate can get rough but most the time its good enough. The amount they packed in is awesome tho. So open and diverse. Like im playing the anime

      • About 100 hours with 3 crashes for me

  • +1

    Any deals on Shield and Lets Go?

  • +1

    Back to $64.99 now. Just missed out

    • Sheesh that was quick

  • Would this be suitable for a 6 year old? Daughter is obsessed with Pokemon but not sure which version to get or if its suitable for her age.

    • +1

      Yeah I think a 6 yr old could play it. Or you could get Let's Go Pikachu and Evee.

  • Price change?

  • Amazon sneaky

  • +1

    It's not even worth $39

  • Dang it i missed out. I only just spent 64 buying this for my nephew for xmas like 2 days ago. Thinking oh it wont get cheaper

  • The game is brilliant. Hardly notice any lag issues playing handheld

  • +1

    Not even a month after launch and already on sale.

    • Because they release 2 new titles a month 😂

    • They were on sale even on during pre-order

  • Is there any Switch Pokemon game that can be played by multiple players on the same console? Splitscreen or something?

    • Mainline games, no. That Pokken game though is 2 player on the same console.

  • -1

    Why downvote any contrary opinions? I like OzBargain as a site, but having this stupid system really defeats the point of having an unbiased dialogue, which at the end of the day a product review is supposed to be. One fat downvote for OzBargain for even adopting such a peculiar format - it stinks of self promotion.

    Allow people's opinions to stand for themselves OzBargain!

    • -1

      So because people don't agree with you it is some sort of weird corporate conspiracy?

      Just as you have the right to a contrary opinion. Others also have the right to think that opinion is dumb, and to downvote said opinion if they so choose to use one of the 5 downvotes allowed per day on it.

      Secondly, nothing you said in your original downvoted opinion was unbiased. Especially as others, and plenty of them, disagreed with it. It's your biased opinion that the games is not in a state worth playing. That is a biased opinion. To be unbiased is to simply state the issues without providing your personal feelings or views on those issues.

      So you're pretty much wrong on everything you're complaining about.

      • +1

        just gave you a downvote, your opinion as it stands must be wrong

        • -2

          That's fine you're free to be as triggered as you wish.

          • @ONEMariachi: @ONEMariachi

            The only suggestion at a conspiracy was your own - talk about being triggered.

            That's right, nothing in my comment was unbiased. The point is that the comment is effectively removed without an giving an opinion, which is just sloppy. I'm welcoming and encouraging of being contradicted, ok Nigel Tufnel?

            • -1

              @Barry off EastEnders: It's not sloppy mate, you're just having a tantrum because no one cares about your opinion. It's Ozbargain not ozproductreviewandcry

    • -1

      ozb downvotes are a joke, downvotes can be cancelled by triggered people and that’s for sure being unbiased, because being a democracy is all about having unanimous opinions

  • Imma just leave this here…

  • +6

    sold mine after playing for 3 minutes, i’ve seen a total of 7 frames in that 3 minutes

  • +1

    Playing this and really enjoying it.

  • Just curious - why's scarlet less exciting? Aren't they essentially the same game?

    • Its the same game apart from a handful of Pokemon being specific to each title.

      • I'm guessing the Pokemon in Violet are superior then?

        • +1

          The storyline is also slightly different for end game.

          Scarlet - exclusive prehistoric pokemon
          Violet - exclusive futuristic pokemon

          People are just more keen for future rather than history I suppose.

  • +2

    Pretend that it’s a slideshow or that the console is retro and you’re golden.

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