Company Funded Education Ideas

So my employer said they are happy to fund any courses or classes if I wanted to spend time learning.

They didn't give me a set amount from a fee point of view, but probably could push 5k if I wanted to.

Im in a digital commercial management role, and want to learn something that would help me gain skills I can use in order to become a Csuite executive or would help my own business in some way.

Would love to hear thoughts and recommendations on courses out there that you think might be suitable.

Also keen to hear your thoughts on Coursera and similar tools. I could just ask them to reimburse the monthly fee a coursera has?


  • +1

    Learn some basic accounting or finance (understand forecasting, IRR, NPV, how to compare projects, business plans, etc). The worst kind of Execs are the ones who looks at a set of numbers and have no f-ing clue what to do with them.

    One thing i note is that all those leadership skill courses (which I have done a few in my lifetime) are a bunch of BS. You can groom someone to be a leader over time. But the best leaders are natural, either you have it or dont.

  • help me gain skills I can use in order to become a Csuite executive

    Nepotism 101.

    • hows that nepotism? tf

  • Learn to code ;)

    • qr code

      • Da Vinci code

  • tai lopez, grant cardone and iman gadzhi course

  • Ask them to fund you buying some books.

    Much cheaper than listening to someone drone on. Much more flexible in learning a wide variety of things. The only thing you don't get is the piece of paper saying you gave someone lots of money to be talked at.

    Or cut out the middle man and just learn for free online.

    If you insist on doing a course, do one where you have to practically do something, in a classroom - such that you can't learn it from a book. Say public speaking, or acting (pretty much the same thing).

    • buying some books.

      books ???

  • Would love to hear thoughts and recommendations on courses out there that you think might be suitable.…

    • but money don't grow on trees?

    • +1

      It costs $14,000 and a whole damn year to learn how to arrange flowers???

      I definitely learned something new today!

      • Assessment will be pretty fun. It will be basically you putting some flowers together for a person who is trying to please his/her partner after a wild night out.

        And imagine if you fail this course.. can’t put flowers together 🤣

  • +2

    Csuite executive

    EMBA, Company Director's Course

  • Are you still at Cotton On? Do they have conditions around this company-funded education? Most usually make you stay for a year or two after completion you have to pay it back.

    • +1

      Haha god I love ozbargain old forum stalking. No I'm not (tbh I lied about being there, was in a similar company).

      Theres no requirement to stay in the company unless it's a massive investment.

  • +1

    Have you considered Project Management?

    • That's where the money is, but takes a lot of experience and trust to even get a foot in.

      • +2

        The key is to raise your hand to do the projects that no-one wants to do. That way even if you fail people will understand and you will get to learn a lot very quickly.

        • No matter how shit the project is, it still costs money and there still has to be a lot of trust in the person - that is, they've shown some sort of ability to do this kind of thing.

          It's one of those places where they definitely want experience but it's hard to get that experience in the first place.

          • +1

            @bobbified: Hmmm valid argument.
            I did use the strategy above though to get my start. You do need some pluck and a whole lotta luck though! :)

            • +1

              @PumpkinHater: haha I did too! It did take a bit of time to convince people to leave things in my hands. I made sure to make the most of it! :)

              Now when I come across people that I think are well-suited for the role, I'll take them on the journey with me and give them that experience/opportunity they might need to shine. I often put personality and attitude ahead of experience. It's worked out well so far! :)

      • What kind of money are we talking? 300k an year or 800k an year?

        • I don't know any employees on 800k (other than CEOs) but plenty on 300k.

        • Starting off would be pretty average but after a few years experience you can make 200K - 300K. Having a change management qual/credential also helps.

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