I was in the car and heard Harris Scarfe advertising that their Boxing Day sale had started early. I checked my watch and realised it wasn't after Christmas.
So, I ask you, when should a Boxing Day sale start? (let alone advertise for it.)
I was in the car and heard Harris Scarfe advertising that their Boxing Day sale had started early. I checked my watch and realised it wasn't after Christmas.
So, I ask you, when should a Boxing Day sale start? (let alone advertise for it.)
Don't know why you were negged.
Voted you up to negate the negative :-)
maybe someone didn't want the tread closed.
What's a closed tread?
Religion is prohibited under communism!
So if Gerry H. gives money to Albo we have his all year Boxing Day sale advertising and Albo declares it legal!
Mate anyone can advertise Boxing Day sales all year round, with or without political donations, there's no law against it.
Not sure what you're getting at here.
The answer was in the riddle all along
most people have to skip christmas lunch and dinner if they want to get a good spot in the line for the boxing day sales anyway. I think they should start on christmas day then so that the people who hae to leave the festivities early can get rewarded and get the really good bargains and then hopefully make it back to the family celebrations on the same day.
it would save so many arguments about leaving to go and line up.
Skipping Christmas lunch and dinner to line up? Geez… shopping isn't worth that
depends on what sort of bargains you can get, I have snagged facewashers for ~20c each that retail for $9.95 so it was a total steal. but yeah, most people tend to be upset that you skipped out on the most important family day to get boring items, so sometimes not worth it if ends with a big fight about what you bought and what you missed.
maybe one day I will be early enough in line to get one of the super cheap tvs or something that the rest of the family will appreciate.
Except for the people that would have to work in the stores having the sale
Next question - when should we celebrate New Year's Eve?
This New Year’s Eve
Next New Year’s Eve?
+1 for the reference.
Forgot to say which country as you can celebrate in one country and then cross the international date line have another celebration. So which one are you taling about?
So which one are you taling about?
I tale plenty about New Years 2018. Lots of stories.
The day after cyber monday
While I guess the pedantics here would all say Boxing Day, arguably it's far nicer to start earlier.
(profanity) the crowds and noise that is boxing day sales. If they just had a general December sale starting from 1st December that would be ideal to be honest.
report to accc for false advertising. its not boxing day yet.
this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film, "The Never-Ending Story
When Tomorrow Comes (Eurythmics)
Still waiting…
Whispering Jack's Final Tour enters the conversation. too soon?
too busy with law suits, take a ticket
So when is Boxing day as we can attend the boxing that happens on boxing day so that the last person standing can say when the sale starts.
Online Christmas Day.
Being December Easter Hot cross buns must soon be due.
Should start on Festivus….
When the bell rings for rnd1 @ Myer Melbourne…
Considering it was been literally years since it was worth rocking up to a bricks and mortar shop for an actual ‘bargain’ I think a week before is good so stores get a chance to actually pump up them figures.
Still gotta wonder about the economy I guess - I haven’t seen my two local Westfield’s so packed in years but it’s basically just everyone milling around in the air con and just browsing.
A better question is what is the minimum discount to count as a sale?
Personally, I think that if they aren't willing to take at least 30% off the price of everything in the sale, they shouldn't be able to classify it as a sale, just a 'temporary discount'.
That goes particularly for the bricks and mortar shops who have the prices well over the odds for 95% of the year.
7:00 am
JB hi-fi deals go live on Xmas day !!
OTHER: right after they jack the prices.
In store, Boxing Day. But I have been known to partake in online boxing day sales on Christmas Day once the food coma sets in.
Last year we liked our in laws Breville coffee machine so much we found a Dual Boiler bargain online and click & collected for the next day.
Boxing Day sales…… pffft!!
It's all about the silly Black Friday sales nowadays, boxing day sales are becoming redundant and just another sale day (like every other day of the damn year)
Advertising a.Boxing Day sale starting now means they are in big financial trouble and/or their sales figures are pathetic. They already closed some stores, so my guess is they are in financial trouble.
Anyone who has ever owned a retail store knows that you never discount during Xmas sales period. You shouldn't need to.
Boxing Day should start, right after the Referee motions the boxers to touch gloves and order them back into their respective corners.
They will then assure that everyone is in place and that no one other than them and the boxers are inside the ring.
The Referee will then motion to the Timekeeper to sound the bell to begin the bout.
if stores can start early on Boxing day sales, why shouldnt boats be able to take off earlier in Syd to Hobart
How long are boxing days sales on for?
Boxing Day
Thread closed.