Steam page
Steam deal still ongoing
Alienware Arena has restocked their Divine Knockout Epic keys. Must have or create an Alienware Arena Account to claim. Reckons there are 710 2987 keys left.
Users will receive: (x1) Divine Knockout Game Access Code
Epic Store's DKO page
DKO website
The wait is finally over, KO Crew - Divine Knockout, the world’s only 3rd-person platform fighter from Red Beard Games is live!
Edit: The Epic Store's DKO page is the store page linked to the game after I claimed. There is a different DKO page but I don't know what the difference is.
Edit 2: Looks like they have added keys after it got to 0. No idea how long they will keep doing it.
Edit 3: Sorry, I'm a bit confused as to what we got on Epic. Epic takes you to the Founder's Edition when you go the game page from within Epic. Looks like you have to pay for it when you are in the game. I have removed reference to the Founder's pack now. In any case the game is now free to keep if you add it in Steam until Wednesday at 10am Pacific Time (US). Credit to tequilatime.
Strangely enough this game is free on playstation if you have a current PS+ until 3rd of Jan. Never heard of the game but just added it.