Lowest price ever they tell me (for the eShop version anyway) first deal post please be nice etc
[Switch] Hades $18.75 @ Nintendo eShop

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+1. Own this game, have not played it yet.
Great game, highly recommend playing this one.
Been meaning to snag this for a while. Tossing up between ps5 or switch. How does this run on Switch performance wise?
60 fps on Switch. It runs really well.
Perhaps consider it if you're always taking your Switch mobile, otherwise get it on PS5, it performs much better (4K/60fps) and lets you appreciate all the art/assets that make the game so unique. Great game!
Both are good - I agree that if portability is important get Switch because it's great but otherwise you can't go wrong.
I've played on both, and while it runs mostly fine on Switch, there's occasionally a few times when the performance drops a bit in certain rooms when it's full of stuff happening. It's not usually a huge deal, but definitely noticeable. Haven't played as much on the ps5, but haven't seen any drops in performance so far
Wouldn't have ever played it if it wasn't in Gamepass as not what I would have considered my type of game. So very wrong. One of the best games I have ever played and one of the few games I have loved so much after playing that I bought it after it was announced it was coming off Gamepass.
The gameplay is good, the story is entertaining enough to keep you going, the voice acting is fantastic and the music is absolute perfection. I best go load up Good Riddance again because that tune is an absolute banger.
I dithered far too long and it left Game Pass before I was done with it. :( Now torn between waiting for GOG which would normally be my preference, or buying the MS Store version because it's a Play Anywhere title (meaning one purchase for PC and Xbox).
I bought this with another 2 for $30 game, so $15.
https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/xbox-series-x-hadesThat's a great deal, but unfortunately Play Anywhere only applies for digital purchases, so it's not suitable for someone like me who aims to primarily play it on PC. Great find for console-first players though.
DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME! It will ruin your life as it is so addicting, you will spend hours of your time playing it!! Hear me my friend, I am trying to save you!
Sound like you are sent by Hades here to stop many other Zagreus..
02022020And finally able to give back :)
I hope you didn't feel like I was criticising you.
I just found the date you joined interesting
No stress - fwiw it wasn't me who negged you :)
This is a great comment. How dare it be negged. Who doesn’t like palindromes?!
Is this discounted?
done 470~ runs on my Xbox X , still enjoying it)
I am on 50ish.. do gods still got something to talk that far? I am really enjoying it and finish the main story.. but still I can see there will be a lot to do..
Don’t get this game if don’t have an external controller. It will wear the shit out of joycons.
best game i've got on Switch so far. highly recommended.
I have already clocked the game 100% on my ex's account, but I just bought a copy for my own account because it's still such a fun game to play. I can't really endorse a game any higher than that.
For those who prefer physical and on a different platform it is $19 and part of the 2 for $30 at JB but does not include the switch version. If you still got your perks discount even better…
Nice game playing with controller
Is this game ok for someone that's never played a game like this before? It's basically an action shooter/ hack and Slash?
The appeal of this "rogue-lite" genre is the meta-progression aspect, i.e. it's designed for repeated attempts where you get just that little bit stronger every time, whether you make a little progress on that particular attempt, or a lot. This system ensures that the player keeps progressing at a pace dictated by their own ability instead of bumping their head against a hard ceiling and getting frustrated at being stuck.
mystarey said it well - and also for my experience, i've never played a game like this, and I started a couple of months ago and I'm addicted. it's a bit hack and slash, but there is definitely a technique to do it well
Amazing game, great characters/sound/music/setting/visuals, top-tier gameplay. An easy 9/10. My only recommendation would be to get it for PC to play at higher-than-60hz refresh rates, since it's such a technical / reaction-time oriented game. Would still be a blast on Switch regardless though (why not get it on both!)
It has cross save with the steam & epic store versions as well
amazing replayability. highly recommend. you will get many hours out of this. this and Slay the Spire have been my highest hours on the switch
So good! Looking forward to a sequel, but perhaps explains why the new all time low price
For those undecided, this game is incredible value for money. I've probably played it at least 200h on the switch and it never gets boring.
Supergiant just today announced their first sequel, Hades II. Seems you'll play as a the "Princess of the Underworld", so not Zagreus this time.
Independent of price, should I get the PC or Nintendo Switch version?
Whichever you're more likely/comfortable to play it on and which controller setup you prefer for a fast-paced action game.
I'll get the switch version so I can play portable on planes, trains and automobiles while on holiday
Great time for the sale! Hades 2 just got announced at the Game Awards this morning
thanks for sharing op! amazing game and definitely recommend if you like rogue-like games or after a challenge