Where Can I Buy a Galaxy S20 Replacement Battery?

The battery in my Galaxy S20 drains quickly, barely lasting half a day with moderate use, and I'd rather repair it myself instead of paying triple the price, or more, for someone else to do it when I am perfectly capable to do it myself.

Are there any decent/good places to purchase a new battery that isn't re-stickered, a cheap Chinese one, etc? Since you can't easily import one due to the dangers of shipping lithium batteries, I can't go to a place like ifixit which has a high reputation for good quality, and their Australian store is woefully understocked. But all the Australian places I've found all seem dodgy and/or have basically no reviews.


  • -3

    Did you ask samsung?

  • +1

    I believe Battery World have genuine Samsung batteries.

    • Had a look, the newest model they seem to sell batteries for is an s5, which I think had removable batteries back then

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