Fishing Reel - Shimano Saragosa 10000

Anyone know where I can get one <$300.

Few years back bcf did them for $250 with their various save $50 off ($300 spend).

But it seems like they don’t do it any more


  • +2

    I wish there was more quality fishing deals on here.

    • to be fair 90% of decent discounts online will be bcf or anaconda, as long as you are subscribed to their catalogues you wont miss much. they recently had the bg5000 for $100 off which was huge

  • Just go to a fish farm. I used to go to a fish farm as a kid and you didn't even need bait, you just put an empty hook in the water and within seconds you've caught another tasty trout.

  • I’d keep an eye these guys for when they have a sale, which they do semi regularly…

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