Win a Share in $12099 from Complete Home and Home Design Magazine

Closing Date
Draw Date
1 x $9000 Cash Prize, 1 x $999 Renovation Voucher, 1 x $2100 Emma Sleep Bedding Ensemble
No. of Prizes
Total Prize Pool
Entry Requirements
Open To
Entry Limit
One per person
Entry Methods
Email Subscription, Survey/Questionnaire
Home Owners can Win $9000 for first place, and a $999 voucher for runner-up PLUS People's Choice Winner will receive a $2100 Bedding Ensemble from Emma Sleep. At Home Design, we love seeing renovations and inspiring others to get out and do their own. We love to showcase all kinds of renovations – big or small, interior or exterior, kitchen, bathroom or the whole home! Anyone can enter, just upload your favourite before and after shots. We will showcase your best shots in our digital showcase, and finalists will also feature in the 2023 editions of Home Design Magazine.
Tell us in 100 words or less WHY YOU LOVE YOUR RENO*
Note: Simple language is ok – we just want to know in your own words, what you set out to achieve and why you love it. For example: “We lived for the first 5 years of our family life together with a 1960’s timber kitchen, and broken particle board. Today we brew our coffee in a stunning integrated kitchen/living space that looks out to a backyard where two kids and our dog play in our outdoor entertaining area. The space is bright and airy thanks to two skylights, and the full-height Rylock double doors are the best decision that we ever made.” This example is 75 words. You don’t have to mention any brands if you don’t want, but are welcome to if you are really happy with something. Really what we want to know is why you are happy with it. We will do a light edit and use this in our digital showcase.
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