What’s The Best Way to Set up New Android Phone?


Is there any tricks to setting up a new android phone when coming from an existing android?

Apart from making sure the old one is backed up to the cloud do I just follow the onscreen prompts?
Both phones are 128gb however the old one is full. I assume all those photos won’t be downloaded to the new phone?

I recall there being some advice not to g CB opt certain settings because they might not be compatible between brands?

Thank you


    • +2

      cute, you think apple came up with this

      • +2

        Samsung smart switch makes it so easy.

      • Is there a simple solution? I worked in I.T. in a corporate office and had to painfully migrate data for Android once or twice a week for half a decade or so. It was always a painful experience and our I.T. Mobility team couldn't agree on a simple solution for this.

        Apple's was far, far easier

        • What type of data? And how were you trying to migrate it?

        • +2

          I presume it's the same for other Android devices, but when starting a Pixel for the first time it asks if you want to migrate data, and then steps you through how to do it.
          It's very simple.

          And that's ignoring these days where all my apps/settings are synced with my Google account. It happens automatically nowadays.

          • @Sleeqb7: It was about 95% Samsung devices. The Samsung option was hit and miss, as some devices we'd be going from an S5 to an S21 and it just couldn't compute.

    • +1


      Nah, because all of your answers will be to get an Apple product.

  • +5

    What’s The Best Way to Set up New Android Phone?

    I'd normally slip into my PJ's, put on some fluffy slippers, prepare a toasted cheese sandwhich and have some low key music playing in the background whilst I work my way through the prompts.

    • +1

      Video or it didn't happen.

  • +1

    plug them together and migrate them

  • +4

    historically i have chosen not to use any of the migration features and start fresh on the new phone. enjoy it being snappy and quick while its new for as long as possible.

    bit of a pain having to type passwords in again, but you would generally have to do that any way even if the migration assistants are able to grab your previous apps.

    the whole google suite generally does a good job of syncing stuff though. contacts, gmail, keep notes come to mind, and theyre all also accessible from the web. photos is the big one, i'm guessing. google photos is good. Just make sure it's all sync'd up by clicking on your photo icon on the old phone and it says 'backup complete'. you may have to choose extra folders if you want to sync, say downloads (this is not always done by default).
    They will not automatically download onto your new phone, not a bad thing but you can choose to by selecting them on the google photos app on the new phone and downloading. the free 15gb mightn't get you too far if your old 128gb phone was full of photos.

  • +3

    I thought you just have to login with your Google account then everything will be restored. The process is very painless.

  • +2

    The last android phone I upgraded to had an option to migrate the data from the old one to the new one when setting it up. I followed the option and it worked for me.

  • Bluetooth & Google account..not quite 1 click but saves nearly 1k

  • +6

    The best thing to do when you buy a new phone is to spend several days (or weeks) choosing the wallpaper photo. You should try hundreds until you're satisfied. Then spend a few weeks organising your Home Screen. Keep working on it until it's just the way you want it. Then spend a few days choosing a case. Then spend a few weeks trying different apps to decide which ones best suit your needs. Finally, spend a few weeks experimenting with the camera to find out how to get the best results. By the time you've finished all this, a new version of your phone will have been released, and you will be ready to upgrade.

    • +1

      Then spend a few days choosing a case

      Don't forget the crucial and importal step of dropping your phone and damaging it before the case arrives in the post.

  • +1

    In good old days, I used to do everything manually. Recently used Samsung migration tool (after connected them together) twice and it was pretty good, everything including SMS etc. I think I had to login to apps though.

    • Smartswitch is the App that Samsung use. We've found it's quicker to upgrade from Iphone to S series, using Smartswitch, than it is upgrading from iPhone to Iphone..

      I think I had to login to apps though. - That's a Security reason, to help prevent any unauthorised access.

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