Welp, I Might Be Getting a T-Way Fine :(... Maybe ?

Hi all,

Just wondering, as you guys are a lot smarter than me, could you give your expert Ozbargian opinion on my predicament?

Driving along Briens Road (Northmead) where Coca-Cola Amatil is, probably 3:30-4:00pm, peak hour, many cars, GPS tells me up a head to turn left (have to turn left onto Cumberland Highway from Briens Road.). I get to a line of cars all stopped, thinking they're going right at the lights, I see Left-lane free, so I turn and drive towards the lights where I need to turn left, only it's not the lights I need to left at, it's the lights before my turn, at the corner of Briens Road & NW Transitway.

When I turned into the lane, the road was black (not red like other bus lanes) so I entered, seconds after entering I see the "Unauthorized use of T-Way Lane Prohibited…" sign with a camera pic (black/white sign). I made an oopsie, but couldn't get to the right lane due to the buildup of traffic. When I got to the lights, I signaled to merge back into the other lane (which I did 5seconds later), went across the intersection and merged to the left again then left at the lights.

Overall the distance was about 150-200m. I reviewed Google maps but can't see a camera. Anyone know where the camera would be or would they use some sort of CCTV-style camera and review footage?

Please note, the satellite view of Google Maps shows the lane with a 'red' colour, but street view is black. There's a red section at the end that says "bus lane".
Also note, I see a red line next to white road marking line in Google street view. This is something I didn't see until I went into street view (possibly not marked red at the moment?.)

Images for a visual representation of situation.


Has anyone been stung along there? Waiting 2-4weeks to find out is a killer. I've read a few threads here and it seems many have been done in this area, though not sure about this particular section of road.

Thanks in advance,


  • Widget


  • +1

    I vote Maybe

  • +3

    The camera is not until you turn left onto the transitway. You will be fine.

    • +5

      you missed the "d" at the end of fine.

      <gotta love our language>

  • BTW it’s not Coca-Cola Amatil anymore, since a recent merger.

  • +1

    I think you'll be fine - the cameras appear to only be actually on the T-Way, not the slip road leading up to it.

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