Avatar: The Way of Water

Avatar: The Way of Water releases December 15 in Australia, with advance screenings from 6PM December 14.

Directed by James Cameron with countless delays, technological breakthroughs, a massive budget estimated to be $350-400 million this really will be one of the biggest movie releases of all time.

I have gotten several advance tickets to this film and I am literally counting the hours till I get to see this. I have watched Avatar Remastered several times and just that alone was incredible, with the preview scenes at the end showcasing just what is about to be unleashed on the world with the sequel.

It’s also been quite a while since a movie had exceptional CGI, with the latest marvel/dc projects being quite on par at best with expectations. There is obviously several CGI companies working together to complete single movies and the work hours they have put in are long and fast paced. This is not the case with Avatar: TWoW and the time and cohesiveness will shine in ways not seen in years.


  • +16

    Honestly, I don't care about tall smurfs.

  • Not a huge fan of the IP but I'll watch anything Jim makes.

    • Ditto your comments. I trust James Cameron to make a banger, even if i'm not going to rush out to see it

  • The first movie was great the first two times I watched it at the cinema, but then after that the plot showed itself to be pretty uninspired and the length way too long.

    I'm not sure how this movie will do in the industry dominated by the MCU, but if the reviews are good I'd like see it on the big screen.

  • Unobtanium

  • The only thing the first movie had going for it was the technology that made 3D look good again for a while. I've tried rewatching it since but simply can't. The previews for the new movie look soooo boring. Each to their own though. The Drinker did a good summary.


    • You cannot divorce the spectacle of a movie with the technology and experience in the cinema and it's also a thing for it's time. Reviewing it in retrospect or viewing outside of it's spec isn't really the same thing.

      • +1


        I've got plenty of movies that I watched in the theatre and then bought the disc and have watched them multiple times. What I'm saying about Avatar is that it was a pretty average and cookie-movie but with great technicals. As you say take away the only thing it had going for it and there's nothing left to see.

        • +1

          I think he's saying that it shouldn't be judged without the tech with which it was made and intended. However, movies aren't meant to forgotten and ignored once they are no longer in cinemas either - so it can't be helped that they're judged minus their effect in a cinema. Most people don't have 3D tech in their homes. I never saw the original in 3D, and without it, the movie is indeed very average.

  • +1

    Saw the first one at IMAX on release.

    I was unimpressed… Main character was so predictable. As soon as he got his avatar and met Neytiri, it was painfully obvious he was gonna ditch the marines.

    I hope this movie doesn't flop though. James Cameron deserves that much with his amazing filmography.

  • +6

    The first Avatar movie was technically excellent and beautiful. However, the story was straight from Dances With Wolves, with a little bit of the anime film Princess Mononoke thrown in. The lack of an original storyline in such an impressive movie was really unusual and disappointing.

    • Watch Pocahontas and Avatar. Same plot

  • not these days when cameron comes out with crap like:

    “A lot of things I did earlier, I wouldn’t do — career-wise and just risks that you take as a wild, testosterone-poisoned young man,” he said. “I always think of [testosterone] as a toxin that you have to slowly work out of your system.”

    lets face it….he peaked by 1991….everything after is just mainstream dross. i'll take aliens, abyss or T2 over this rubbish everyday

    and as for 'activist films'…. go woke go broke baby

  • I don't go to the movies much, but the family needed something to see on Boxing Day (a tradition) and I was actually keen to see how things had progressed. In terms of 3D in particular. It was literally 1 minute in and I was regretting my choice. 3D still looks garbage (for me). Mostly out of focus, dim and gimmicky. When I was asked how the movie was afterwards, I said I feel like I just watched it on VHS, and need to see it again on BluRay. So much detail lost and blurry. Never again.

    The film itself however? I actually think this was better than the first one. Weirdly for it's length there were a few story points in the middle that seemed to fly by, or just cut right to the chase which was a little jarring. But overall, I liked it more.

    Now bring on the 4K version of The Abyss please, Mr Cameron.

  • Just saw the movie.

    Visually it was nice (Vmax, 3D, HFR) and it had some good sequences. However overall the plot and length spoiled it a bit.

    I found this (slight spoilers) twitter thread which sums up my thoughts.

  • Whilst spending years on this, we are still waiting for a decent high def copy of the Abyss after 16 years

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