Brand Kleenex
Skin type Sensitive
Unit count 420 count
Number of items 10
Product benefits Clean,Hypoallergenic
Cheaper with S&S
Thanks to ozvictor, you can also buy singles for $3 each:
Brand Kleenex
Skin type Sensitive
Unit count 420 count
Number of items 10
Product benefits Clean,Hypoallergenic
Cheaper with S&S
Thanks to ozvictor, you can also buy singles for $3 each:
The ACCC claim against Kleenex was dismissed by the Court…
True but there are now new packaging requirements. If its not OK to flush, it wont say so.…
Pee, poo and paper - the only things that should be flushed down a loo.
“But we are pleased that our court action has brought attention to this issue, and has made consumers aware that flushing wipes can cause significant blockages to plumbing and sewerage systems, damage to equipment and environmental harm and imposes significant cost of removing fatbergs on water authorities.”
In its judgment, the Full Federal Court recognised this concern, noting that “Blockages and fatbergs pose what has become an increasing problem for households and municipal waste water authorities. One response would be to introduce legislation or standards governing the characteristics of what can and what cannot be marketed or sold as ‘flushable’.”
Australian water authorities are leading the development of an Australian standard on flushability. Until this standard is finalised, the strong message from water authorities and plumbers alike is there are only three things that should be flushed down a toilet: ‘pee, poo and toilet paper’.
If I was a plumber, I would say flush anything you want down your toilet
@voldemort upvoting you to counter the downvote you received for… reporting a court case?!
The people on this site… sheesh
I suspect someone downvoted because @voldemort stated the case was dismissed without mentioning the critical information that the conclusion was still flushing wipes can cause significant blockages.
The case dismissed is not the important piece of information… and might lead some to believe it was dismissed because there's no issue !
It says at the bottom this case was about an earlier product, not sure if the new version has the same issue:
"Kimberly-Clark discontinued supplying the Kleenex Wipes in May 2016. The ACCC’s proceedings only related to the Kleenex Wipes sold between May 2013 and May 2016. Kimberly-Clark has since introduced a new ‘flushable’ wipe product."
Wow CAMELCAMELCAMEL is indicating it’s not a good price. I better use normal paper and water.
You can buy single one for $3 each if you don’t need 10 packs : Kleenex Flushable Fresh Wipes Fragrance Free 42 Wipes
Yep better off buying single packs.
Not sure why you got negged by a couple of people but i bumped one back up.
I got a single pack as I only keep it for emergencies on trips overseas
I read so many horrible stories about these so called flushable wipes.
Advice from Sydney water: only 3 things safe to flush down the toilet are 3 Ps: pee, poo & toilet paper. Everything else belong in the bin
Had a plumber come to fix an issue at our house years ago and I asked him about these, and he said they were great!
They keep him in a job and put his kids through uni.
And goldfish
Actually, i got a lecture in a pet shop a few years ago after saying I'd flushed one down. Something about spreading disease
my friend just gave birth to an edible baby
Flushable does not mean they disintegrate like toilet paper does.
Only flush three things down the toilet: pee, poo and (toilet) paper.
How is this deal? Too expensive🤦
Currently $3 per pack at Woolworths. Usually $3.95.
Not a good deal. But these for 1.8 or 2$ each
Plumbers really appreciate the extra income these 'flushable' wipes bring in!
Do people actually flush these? These will definitely block your pipes
i usually wipe as much as possible with normal tissue and then use this and throw it in the bin folded up nicely.
You'd be surprised what this gets out a normal toilet paper can't.
But as I mentioned above i only use it for travel as I tend to be out for long periods of times and want to stay fresher down there as long as possible.
Bidets are our friends. $40 from amazon. $200 to install from a plumber. So for 3 bathrooms, you can have it all done for $320, lifetime!
not every country I travel has a bidget.
I do. Never had an issue with my toilets and been using these for years.
Please come back and post the size of your plumber's bill when you do eventually get a blockage.
Dunno why I'm getting negged for truthfully answering a question. Should I have lied instead?
I've been using these for about 5 years now in multiple different toilets in my house. Never needed a plumber and never had any blockages. I will note that I follow the instructions on the pack quite strictly, which state to never flush more than 2 wipes at a time. My guess is people who have issues with these are using these like toilet paper and flushing more than 2 at a time.
Same. Been using these super soft paper-like wipes and flushing them for 2 years. Didn't have any issue.
Yes. This is not a deal because it doesn't factor in the cost of digging up the sewer pipes in front of your house to remove the fatberg it causes. Need to add that to the price in the title.
I recently paid $750 for out of hours jetting to clear 'flushable' wipes. Plumber even checked the toilet paper when he was done as he's seen some cheap toilet paper cause problems in old sewer pipes.
There's no such thing as flushable wipes.
My neighbours pipes burst while jetting. Thanks to flushable wipes. You got off cheap.
should be banned
Flushable wipes are not flushable.
Me bruddas and sisters get a bidet pls. Actually go to an asian country see how effective it is and you wont need wipes or toilet paper. Can imagine the asian countries laughing at us fighting for toilet paper on the news 😂
Someone flushed this thing in my building and caused the sewer the be blocked. My ground floor apartment copped the rising sewage water and the damage was around $16k. This thing should be rebrand or banned!!
Are these flushable? I recall that the ACCC took a similar issue to the federal court few years ago?!