This was posted 2 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Yellow Shrimp (Aquarium Cleaner) $3.99 Each (Normally $9) + $12 Express Postage ($0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


Yellows are down to a record price of $4 each! This is the second-last week before Xmas, so grab them now before the holidays ;P

We also sell other shrimp:
Ghosts - $2
Red Cherries - $3.99
Chocolates - $6
Or see all our shrimp here!

These Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp are a great addition to your clean-up crew.
The Neocaridina family being one of the hardiest dwarf shrimp out there, they can survive temperatures as low as 15C up to 30C but thrive and breed readily between 21 and 26 Degrees.

Dwarf Shrimp are scavengers. They eat algae, bacteria and other microorganisms around the tank, and will never attack other live animals. They have a minimum bio-load and are a great addition to almost any tank's ecosystem!
Don't forget to check out our plants for combined postage and keeping the shrimp happy in transit!

Keeping with fish:
The general rule for all aquatic life is "if it fits in their mouth they will eat it." Unless you have specifically passive or vegetarian fish, shrimp may be eaten by any fish which is large enough to swallow one hole. Adult shrimp grow to 2cm in length, with juveniles being at least 1cm. Conversely, any smaller fish will live with them very happily. They may eat the baby shrimp if they breed, but if you have enough plant cover, usually enough survive to keep the colony going.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask!

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closed Comments

  • Hi! Just wondering what grade your Cherries are?

    • We usually give a bit of a variety, but any which aren't red enough we sell as ghosts.

  • You don't sell tanks etc right?

    • Not at the moment no, just plants fish shrimp and snails.

  • Do all of the shrimp grow to the same size, or are not all shrimp created equally?
    I got some ghost shrimp before and I lost track of them in my foliage, but they're gone now it seems…

    Might need to keep them in a breeder box till they come of size, as the ones I received were like 2-3mm

    • Do you mean 2-3cm? All neocaridinias grow to about 2-3cm max, we don't sell any smaller than 1cm though.

      Neocaradinias means all the ones listed above. Caridinas can grow bigger, up to 4cm but are more expensive.

      • Ok thanks!

  • Can you have these in aquaponics tanks (ibc container) and have a divider or something to stop the fish eating them?

    • Yup, that works!

      • Know anywhere that can supply live tiger prawns? Or similar that are big enough to eat?

  • Would it be ok to just have different shrimps, snails and plants in an aquarium? I just like the look of the shrimps and think that they are fascinating.

    • Yes, as long as the fish aren't big enough to eat the shimp they will be fine. They are great with plants and snails though.

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