This was posted 12 years 8 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Aldi Baby Wipes Scented or Fragrance Free 480pk $7.99 + Other Baby Stuff


Starts next Wednesday. This works out even cheaper (~$5!) than the deal today (which I bought 2 lots of!) so I lost out a little there, but hopefully one of you can make up for it with this bargain :)

Wipes here:

The Aldi Nappies in limited edition large boxes are also excellent value:

Mamia Newborn 132pk $ 18.99 (14c per nappy)
Mamia Infant 111pk $ 18.99 (17c per nappy)
Mamia Crawler 99pk $ 18.99 (19c per nappy)
Mamia Toddler 84pk $ 18.99 (23c per nappy)
Mamia Junior 72pk $ 18.99 (26c per nappy)
Mamia Walker 78pk $ 18.99 (24c per nappy)

Full catalogue here also has other baby related bargains

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closed Comments

  • Aldi rules!

    • Yep, Aldi is awesome. I look forward to each new catalogue haha

  • hey guys, are these aldi nappies any good? im new to this nappy stuff.just got two boxes of huggies new born and she is chewing though them like no tomorrow. these aldi nappies are half the price of huggies! do you reconmend them?

    • +1

      I'm no expert either, my boy isn't due for a few months so I'm just stocking up and getting advice.

      Plenty of people with experience have told me the Aldi nappies are great for during the day as they're cheap but still do the job. Best to use the huggies for night though. I'll be buying both and doing that.

      Edit: the older version of the product gets a decent review here, so presumably the new improved model is even better.

      • only huggies suited our 1st but any works with our 2nd so we usually buy coles comfy bots (sometimes woolworths homebrand) or babylove when on special… might be of interest

        • very interesting link, thanks.

        • hummmm interesting! thanks for that!

          aldi scores pretty high.

        • imo

          huggies > coles comfy bots = babylove > woolworths homebrand = aldi = snugglers

          but of course ymmv :)

      • Aldi nappies used to be great. They changed them not too long ago and they have been really really crap now.

        Babylove seem to the best value now. Since they redid their design they haven been good.

        Aldi wipes are good. Have no problem recommending them over whatever you get at the normal supermarket. About half the price. Their premium ones are just like huggies. Their normal ones dont tare in half as easy but they are still good.

        • +1

          Aldi nappies are still not bad, I'd say it sit in the middle (still better then the like of DryBot of Target or Dimples from BigW). For nappies, we like Pampers for day usage - as for ours, only Huggies can last overnight, but unfortunately we can only find certain size at reasonable price (it's cheaper than Aldi on DealsDirect, but they only have size 1 then 5-6, and even much cheaper if they're on sale like a few days back - and the Pampers there are made in USA btw)
          Same as the wipes. They're not on Huggies level, but they're pretty good and better than the 2 brands above.
          From what I ever tried,
          Nappies: Huggies > Pampers > BabyLove = Aldi > Snugglers > DryBot = Dimples
          Wipes: Huggies > Curash > Johnson = Aldi > Dimples > DryBot

        • curash are definitely the best for wipes imo - i buy them from big w unless they're half-price at coles :)

          else i go to toys/babies'r'us for j&j -…

    • we use aldi ones for our 11mth old for her 'daycare' nappies because they change them multiple times a day regardless, but use BabyLove for her night time ones..

      The aldi ones are no where near as absorbent or tight fitting as huggies or baby love though

    • Buy a single pack then you will know

    • I tried a box of their infant sized ones recently, they are fine for a day time nappy but I wouldn't use them overnight. They don't draw the wetness away like Huggies do, so I find you have to change them as soon as they are soiled, they also started to cause nappy rash if they were used without a barrier cream (we swear by Sudocreme, if you use it every change, it stops nappy rash completely). We also found the tabs tore quite easily.

    • We didn't like the aldi nappies, prefer the new babylove driwave nappies. But we swear by these aldi wipes though we do buy the Curash wipes too if on special

    • +1

      If your baby is chewing through them, try putting the nappies on the other end. HTH.

    • We have been using Aldi nappies from the birth of the 2nd child. she is now 5 months. they are good. but all are plain while color. but who cares when u have to change it every 3 hours. it was the cheapest in the market and this offer makes it more attractive.

  • +1

    aldi's baby wipes 150pk at $1.99 is even cheaper :)

    btw can have the catalogue before :)

    • hoooooly moley thats cheap! I'll add to the post.

      Often lasoo do have it earlier, and they have the full catalogue too (the Aldi site only shows partial), but I can't see it up yet… waiting waiting! :)

      edit: hmmm looking at their online shop, it seems those cheaper wipes are an older product no longer available perhaps :(

    • +2

      FYI these are thinner than the ones in the bulk pack, kind of like 1 ply v 2 ply toilet paper ;)

      • ah ok, makes sense now.

    • We've purchased the 150 bulk pack before - just like the huggies 160/240 bulk packs but they are a different size and didn't fit into the refillable dispensers all that well and/or didn't continuously feed up through the dispenser (always had to open the dispenser to get the next wipe.

      The smaller 80pks are the way to go IMO

  • Our little man is 7 months old. We use Aldi during the day and huggies at night.
    We absolutely love them, the price is good, haven't leaked and he seems to have no complaints about wearing them.

    • Good to hear another person confirm the same - Aldi by Day, Huggies by Night! Thanks.

      • We are the same. Our 4 year old did Aldi by day and Huggies by night before she was toilet trained.

        Our 1 year old now follows the same pattern. I don't think the quality has diminished with Aldi nappies.

        We will be buying big again on both nappies and wipes with this offer.

        There will always be "poo-namis" from time to time. I have no idea where they store it but on occasion there is just too much for the nappy (and dad) to take.


      • Us too, Aldi by day and Huggies at night. Aldi at night = wet clothes, bed, sheets, nappy rash, etc.

  • Also, the high chair they have on sale looks identical to the Ikea one and its $10 cheaper than Ikea's price

    • If you could, I highly recommend to spend a bit more on the high chair. You're using it for quite some times, they've big differences in the build quality and practical of use. Never seen good one under $100 (unless it's 50% off). The one you talked about is not as comfy (can't even recline) when they're small and could fell-off when they're getting bigger (if you have an active kids). Also, you'd always need to lift them up (compare to the one where you can pull-off the tray, where they'll be able to climb up by themselves when getting bigger)

      • I have the Ikea one and i find it fine..
        I don't need any bells or whistles on what is essentially just a chair for her to smear bits of broccoli over, and its very easy to clean..

        The Ikea one gets pretty good reviews, and as i said, this one appear similar.

      • We have one with wheels and we consider it an indispensable feature. When they get older you'll know why, as moving them next to you to feed can become rather difficult when they weigh 13 odd kilos.

  • Hi guys, I just purchased the wet wipes, they are 6x80 packs and they do have the plastic lid seals. The quality seems the same as dymples brand as I got a box of those as well

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