This was posted 2 years 3 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Free: COVID-19 RATs at Westfield Booragoon Shopping Centre (a.k.a. Garden City), Midland Gate & elsewhere @ WA Government


The pop-up counter is next to Woolies in Westfield Booragoon Shopping Centre (a.k.a. Garden City).

Grab and go. As many as you want. No questions asked.

Comes in bundles of ten. Nasal swab version only.


All locations:

Date Location Morning Afternoon Evening
Tue 29 Nov Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate
Wed 30 Nov Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate
Thu 1 Dec Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate
Fri 2 Dec Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate
Sat 3 Dec Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate
Perth Train Station
Elizabeth Quay Station
Sun 4 Dec Westfield Booragoon
Midland Gate

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +3

    Hey, that’s pretty good

  • +40

    Booked a flight to Perth. This bargain is to good to miss.

    • -3

      Is that you Broden?

  • +13

    get em before theyre landfill!!!

    • +13

      Wasn't too long ago people were fighting/queueing/spending big bucks to get their hands on these.

      • +1

        …good times!

      • +13

        See, their morals, their code… it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you, when the chips are down, these… these civilized people? They'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve.

        (RIP The Joker, Heath Ledger)

        • +2

          Ah yes DC villains are always right

      • -1

        How to say your IQ is 80 without saying it

      • -1

        Wasn't too long ago people were fighting/queueing/spending big bucks to get their hands on these.

        A valuable lesson in irrational behaviour of people in groups…

      • -1

        Not all people, still makes me laugh even at this stage the stupidity. We should all know by now what COVID is, no need to test but people must like it 🤣

  • +1

    Just a guess these are going to be pretty short dated.

    • Use one every day just in case…

    • They were handing some out recently and were dated August 23.not great not terrible.

      • +1

        I expect so, we have boxes and boxes of these to give out from ECU - supplied by WA Govt, all Aug 2023 expiry.

  • +12

    No questions asked. Comes in bundles of tens.

    they know their target market well….

  • +1

    Amazon also have them at less than a dollar

  • yeah I need about 100 of these with the covid spreading happening in QLD by inconsiderate people that WON'T SAY HOME WHEN THEY ARE SICK!!!

    • +12

      its a pandemic of the unvaccinated!!!

      • +4

        Really? What’s your source? From the data I’m privy to it’s the other way round!!!

        Look at the data for NSW and then come back and tell me if you stand back that comment which by the way is the same words that were spouted on TV!

        • Can you share your data?

        • -1

          So your source is saying that it's all the vaccinated people spreading it? That's just as idiotic as saying only the unvaccinated are spreading it.

          • +2

            @digitalbath: You misunderstood. The data clearly shows the jabbed are filling the hospitals and many do not walk out!

          • +2

            @digitalbath: No that’s not what I said. Go onto NSW health and see the data then it just might make sense. Anyone can spread it that’s obvious. But my point is the injections do not protect from infection or transmission. This is fact! Pfizer even admitted this eventually.

            • +1

              @AussieDolphin: Even without them admitting it, the clinical trials (which I doubt many here actually looked at), did not show the mRNA jabs prevented infection or transmission.

            • +1

              @AussieDolphin: Anyone unconvinced about the ineffectiveness of the jabs should probably do some research and stop believing everything media and the government tells them.

            • -1

              @AussieDolphin: Wait, are you saying that the vaccine doesnt form a protective shield around you so viruses bounce off it?

    • +5

      Here here.

      I understand the covid paranoia easing is a good thing.

      But with the recent links to cognitive risks, and the fact that testing is still free at any of the drive throughs…

      I just dont get the absolute complacency.

      People who go to work/shops with regular flu are the same IMO. Just selfish.

      • I just dont get the absolute complacency.

        Most Australians are selfish pricks. It’s that simple. “Living with Covid” wasn’t meant to be pretend it disappears and ignore the ongoing deaths.

        Japan has the right idea. They are living normal lifes, just wearing masks indoors.

        But Japan is a modern, urbanised and well educated country. Australia on the other hand…

        • +1

          But Japan is a modern, urbanised and well educated country. Australia on the other hand…

          that sounds a bit racist!!

        • +2

          'But Japan is a modern, urbanised and well educated country. Australia on the other hand…'

          ….is a modern, urbanised and well educated country.

        • -3

          100% agree especially those Sydney pricks who infected Australia to begin with. Here's a stat for you the vax kills more people than people that contract covid and die, they don't want you to know this because it will damage business meaning pharmacuticals and govenments.

          • +3

            @kungfuman: Dude, don't rattle the sheep cages, you know they reach for their safe buttons.

          • +2

            @kungfuman: Thats instantly disproven by basic percentages.
            97.3% of our entire population is vaccinated.
            The original COVID strain had roughly a 1% kill rate.

            If you claim was true, we'd need to see MORE than 250450 deaths from the Vaccine alone.
            Australia saw a total of 171469 deaths in the year 2021 from any cause whatsoever.

            I'm not here to debate 'vaccine good vaccine bad', just that your statement is totally impossible.

            • +5

              @MasterScythe: where do you think you statistic comes from? you really think your being told the truth and you source is trust worthy? the number released to the public are not correct there are serveral numbers not included in that death rate, and there is serveral unreport cases of deaths related to the vax there is no way of truely knowing how big the damage is without accurate figures. We could Sh4t out numbers all day, it won't make up for the number of unexplained deaths that keep happening due to the covid vax. I am all for vacciation when it works. This vax was tested for 2 years there is no way of knowing the effects of a vax over many body types and long term affects. There many testimonials from actual doctors red flaging the vax, all of whcih got shut down and pushed to the side, because it doesnt' fit in with what the government wants. Asking questions is what we shoudl all be doing to vertify facts, and question the motives of our governments.

              • -3

                @kungfuman: I'm sorry, most of your statements contradict themselves.

                For example, you claim "excess deaths" but you claim the death numbers aren't accurate, so how can you know they're excess?
                Those aren't VACCINE death numbers I've used, they're country-wide, from an infection, to an axe murderer.

                You mistakenly said this vaccine has only been around for 2 years, when you should have said 20, since its previous human trials were against SARS and MERS (which was public, I followed it closely), with RNA even earlier.
                Admittedly, they did change the target. I conced that makes it 'modified', but it certainly doesn't invalidate the testing of the formula that came before it as a whole.

                You also claim doctors have been silenced, which is always a very interesting claim.
                If you've studied psychology, even at an introductory level, the sort of people drawn to healthcare fields and medical study, are, broadly speaking, ethical and moral.
                No government on earth had enough 'spare change' to buy the testimonials of near every doctor, virologist, immunologist, and beurocrat on the planet.
                Once again, I concede there are indeed a few who claim to 'know better' but, red flag, practically all stand alone.

                There's a very apt saying in this world;
                Any professional who doesn't have the respect of his peers, can't be trusted.

                Be it a dodgy builder, a shady car salesman, or a corrupt politician; the second their own peers turn on them, it's a red flag; and none of the outcasts you mention have managed to get wide approval from their peers.

                • +4

                  @MasterScythe: and yet: Anthony Fauci.

                  • -3

                    @[Deactivated]: Fair; Im not a fan of the fella.
                    But from what Ive seen he was honest before the trump administration. And his peer support did drop while he was potm; So take from that what you will.

            • +4

              @MasterScythe: You repeated what the ABC said! They lie 99% of the time! Yes the unjabbed are the minority! Shocked so many think they’re still vaccinated when the injections do not stop infection or transmission for a fact!

              • +1


                You repeated what the ABC said!

                I've not watched TV since I was a child, so I'll take your word on it.
                At least they're able to extract basic data accurately then.
                I'd heard people screaming they were lying and covering things up; but if they're just using basic maths to prove impossible claims are impossible, thats reassuring.

          • +1

            @kungfuman: It's miasma that's killing everyone, do the research.

          • +1

            @kungfuman: Aluminium foil is on sale at Coles.

        • +3

          Most Australians are selfish pricks. It’s that simple

          And you demanding where I can go and when because of your own irrational fears is not selfish?
          Wake up to yourself.

          Japan has the right idea. They are living normal lifes, just wearing masks indoors.

          Japan's 7 day rolling death rate is almost double that of Australia (143 vs 16. 5x more people, but 9x more deaths). Stay away from this topic, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about..

          • @1st-Amendment: You need to look at the fact we are coming into summer when they are going into winter. if you look at the graphs then the worst time for deaths is in Winter.


            This is July 13, 2022
            Japan = 118 deaths in the last 7 days
            Australia = 312 deaths in the last 7 days

            You also need to look at the average age of the population. Japan has a population where the median age is higher.

            It is not possible to do a direct comparison you can, only do it by looking at the graph averages over time.

            I have no idea why people have to be rude when they make a comment.

      • +2

        I couldn’t believe the Codral ads. “Soldier on” so you can spread your disease to other people?

        Hopefully people are a bit more considerate of others. If you are sick then WFH, if you can. Otherwise just take sick leave.

        • +3

          Those solider on ads made me so angry even before COVID.

          • @PainToad: those soldiers in ukraine even more so…why wont they just give peace a chance!!?

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: One could say the same about other countries where America has been in recent decades in the name of weapons of mass destruction i.e. oil. Its a war for world domination with different views from both sides. No one is innocent.

            • @[Deactivated]: I don't feed trolls.

      • I haven't been to work in years… haven't been sick for years either…

    • +5

      I don't get why you are downvoted. This is just as annoying for the flu and other viruses easily spread through the air. If people are sick they should stay home, not be a hero and come into the office or whatever else they had planned.

  • Keep spreading fear

    • Bah ~

    • -1

      Why do you want that?

      At least they're spreading a level of self reassurance with free RAT tests.

      • +13

        They're as accurate as tossing a coin. Myself and kids all had the exact same symptoms at the same time, but only one of us tested positive with these after multiple attempts. This is a similar experience I hear from friends, colleagues and family.

        When you think of how much they were charging for these early on…what a massive scam.

        • +2

          They're as accurate as tossing a coin

          Ive seen (and experienced) better than that, more like the 70%'s; but even if I take your word on it, thats not bad then.

          50% of the people informed is better than zero.

          • +3


            50% of the people informed is better than zero.

            How so? If you're sick you're sick. What difference will it make if an inaccurate test says it's covid or not ?

            • +7

              @Danstar: Because not all sickness is contagious.

              And being informed about what treatment to (possibly) seek, and the level of care around others you need to take, is a good thing.

              Its just simple statistics; any percent above zero, being informed, results in less wild pathogen.

          • @MasterScythe:

            50% of the people informed is better than zero.

            No, it's not; it's just noise.

            • +4

              @wisdomtooth: What?!
              Even in basic first aid training you learn that being able to isolate 50% of a contagion is better than 0%.

              • +1

                @MasterScythe: That's not what a 50% false positive or negative is. In fact, your initial statement is also false; if the test is a coin toss, it doesn't mean "50% are informed"; it means 100% are uninformed, as the test has zero correlation with actual infection.

                • +1


                  That's not what a 50% false positive or negative is.

                  Of course not, but nobody ever claimed that, so it's not relevant.

                  I think you've misread the testing data is all.
                  Results showed 50% (actually closer to 80; but lets use your numbers) accurate for positive outcomes.
                  Testing a negative patient is incredibly accurate.

          • @MasterScythe:

            50% of the people informed is better than zero.

            Oh dear, that is not how reliability works…
            If the test is only 50% reliable, then 0% of the people are informed since no-one knows if they have an accurate result or not. Think about it just a little bit next time…

            • @1st-Amendment: It is, you're misinterpreting the testing of the devices.
              The test isn't innacurate as a whole, only the positive result..
              A healthy person will test negative almost all of the time

              • @MasterScythe: Aside from the false negatives…

                • infected ≠ unhealthy

                In fact, infected + not ill = the very definition of healthy (i.e. resilient to disease). So, if "a healthy person will test negative almost all of the time," that's even more reason to distrust the test, as you're saying it will give false negatives to infected symptomless people "almost all of the time." Therefore, the test is nothing, and the symptoms are everything.

                • +1

                  @wisdomtooth: False negatives, exactly. Thank you.
                  People are assuming the test as a whole is inaccurate, when its only one of the possible outcomes that is.
                  And the accuracy of said specific outcome, is still WELL above zero.

                  In fact, infected + not ill = the very definition of healthy

                  Is is however, not the definition of infectious.
                  The easiest similie to draw on are STD's.
                  I have a friend who is HIV positive, but feels 'great', I'm still not going bareback with them, regardless of how they feel.

              • @MasterScythe:

                It is, you're misinterpreting the testing of the devices.

                No I'm not, I do this for a living, I'm very familiar with how it works.

                The test isn't innacurate as a whole, only the positive result..

                Lol, so it's not inaccurate except for when it's inaccurate? And this qualifies as 'reliable' to you? Good one…

  • +6

    Pretty sure us sandgropers have already paid for these..

    And now we also pay an hourly rate for some wally to hand them out.

    • +2

      At least the government paid bugger all for them in comparison to what pharmacies were charging. It was very effective in helping people be able to test without thinking about the cost so we could get back to normal.

      • How did the RATS get us back to normal?

  • +8

    Free RAT's to test a version of the virus that no longer exists. Good deal. This is like a free bumper for an XF Falcon.

    • +4

      It tests for an active antigen, not the virus; its still significantly better than zero percent.

      Ill take any of the population being informed, please.

    • +9

      Tell me you don't know how RATs work without telling me you don't know how RATs work.

    • XF Falcon bumpers were made in good faith and an example of Australian ingenuity. RAT's will be a symbol of authoritarianism, idiocy and will be stain on human history in due time.

  • +1


    • +2

      “You don’t have to pay for it, unlike other places”

      • +2

        What spudgun is saying is someone invariably pays for it.

        • +5

          Isn’t that how almost all free things work? I find it weird that this concept is just being discovered on OzBargain.

        • +4

          Sure, cant argue that, but we can't undo the past.

          If you feel sorry that scomo made businesses (or in this case, wholesalers) purchase them out of their own pocket, I dunno, slip them a $50 or something.

          Focusing on mistakes rather than noting them, then moving forward just creates bitterness.

          • @MasterScythe: Better yet. Let support these businesses by going to them and be their customers. They need us more than ever.

            A local pub near my work is so dead. Like hardly a soul in it most days. Heres hoping the xmas period brings in more patrons back.

            We are having our team lunch there. This is us doing our bit

            • +3

              @xoom: I mean, sure.

              But Im not following how thats related to 'who paid for RATs' in the past.

              Sounds like a cultural issue too though; in QLD, Ive not seen a single pub with more than standing room after 'knockoff time'.

              • @MasterScythe: You said something about slipping the business a $50 for having be made to purchase RATs.

                My simple suggestion was buy something off them. Use their services. Buy their goods.

                • +1

                  @xoom: Ah OK, in QLD our pubs didn't purchase rats is all, so I missed the link, sorry.

                  But why? So the tax man gets a cut?

                  As a business owner, I'll take something as a gift over a sale, any day.

                  • @MasterScythe: Well not everyone has the luxury of just slipping just any business a $50.

                    Maybe a tip then?

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