Domino's Vs Pizza Hut?

Personally, I prefer the pizzas from Domino, which have more flavors and put more toppings. Pizzahut is always eaten toasted a little bit of paste. (I'd like to order a Domino tonight too!)

By request, I have added a poll, so you can choose your favorite pizza and leave your favorite flavor in the comments.

Easy for pizza fanatics to try your favorites!

Poll Options Wed, 01/01/2031 - 00:00

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Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut


  • +7

    For me Dominos has been going down hill, pizzas getting smaller (Large size is a joke) and getting stingy with toppings. I tried Pizza hut it's not the best nor as good as Monty's Pizza but definitely better than Dominos.

    • +2

      A large size pizza would only make sense if there were small and medium as well.

      Not sure if I'm barking up the "Big Mac has been getting smaller" tree but I feel like domino's have also been suffering from shrinkflation

      • The gambit is to drive you to the premium pizza$. And it works (has crossed my mind) when ordering on a good night your vibes are high you don't want a crap below average pizza to ruin it specially if you have guests. So they had to intentionally make them crap.

      • So Domino's have introduced the Value Max and Extra large sizes now which equate to the old LARGE

    • i thought they have those fancy camera shot that shows you your actual pizza and auto reject any pizza made not up to standard

  • +4

    Gosh, we had the exact opposite! The Pizza hut near my home always gives me baked pasties that are a little battered …… instead Dominos does a great job.

  • Shithut near me gives the worst creations on the face of the earth… Its like box of slop.
    even Black and Gold frozen generics destroy them.

  • +1

    Plz add a poll.

    • +1


  • I prefer Pizza Hut, i feel its a bit higher quality and not as loaded with cheap ingredients.

    Although that's probably 1 part nostalgia where Pizza hut used to be a great place to take the family for a cheap buffet dinner and load your kids up on soft serve ice cream and soft drinks.

    Pity they're as rare as hens' teeth now and have adopted the cheap and cheerful dominos model.
    I go out of my way to go to Pizza Hut whenever i'm in Singapore because it's actually a decent restaurant and puts out great pizzas.

    • +1

      It seems that the quality of Pizza Hut is different in different cities

  • need ms paint

  • +1

    I haven't had good Pizza Hut since the 90s.

    Damn. Now I want pizza.

    • Follow your heart and order one! In fact I already ordered hahaha

  • Been purely Domino's for ages but the past few years they have been going down hill. Tried Pizza Hut a few times from the 100% cashback deals and can taste the better quality in the pizza base and even the toppings.

  • +1

    Oh gosh crust is filth. And they charge you so much for it.

  • Pizza Haven
    Eagle Boys

    • +1

      Man it's been a while but I agree, they used to be great.

  • +1

    Pizzza Hut pizzas are better but Domino's is significantly cheaper.
    Based on price vs taste difference, Domino's is better.

  • -1

    Domino's has always sucked. Pizza Hut is way better.

  • Pizza Hut ftw!

  • +2

    Both Pizza Hut and Dominos are pretty terrible. Find yourself a local gourmet pizza place and support it. It may cost more, but the quality will be worth the effort.

    • Yeah, both a for those who don't want to spend $20+ on a pizza and that's provided you are getting them for $7.95 - $8.95 max.

    • Agree wholeheartedly. Rather spend $20 on a proper wood fired Margherita or just have something else.
      Pizza Hut, Dominoes et al are cheap, but often not even worth the price.

      The only issue with proper pizza is that they get significantly worse as they loose temperature, so often it's better to just have it there. Delivered is rarely great.

      • "Delivered is rarely great."

        I always heat up delivered pizza at 200ºC fan-forced, wrapped in alfoil for about 10 mins which freshens em up.

  • Pizza Hut if free/under $5 from Cashrewards, other than that depends which one has better offer 😂

  • I've come to prefer Pizza Hut over the last year and a half. I don't mind too much.

  • +1

    Dominos is utter garbage, my local can't make orders properly, or forget about you even though you're in the waiting area.
    The cardboard box from Pizza Hut has more flavour and toppings than anything from dominos.

  • Closest Pizza Hut is 25km, so only cheap nearby is dominos. Much prefer local at twice the price per pizza

  • Smokin Joes is my preference, and quite often any independant is the best.

    I find Dominos too oily and greasy and quite often my stomach reacts.

    The last time I ordered Dominos, they gave my pizza to someone that had just walked in the door, and saw my name on the screen.

  • Dominos isn't great but it's consistent.
    Pizza Hutt I've not eaten for years, the last couple of times I did it was dreadful.
    Crust is delicious, but gratuitously priced.

  • Pizza hut but only for super supreme. Bbq meat lovers now a sloppy and sad affair compared to a decade ago.
    Domino's if on special only, pizza smaller and fewer toppings than before, and often burnt, possibly due to same oven time/temp but fewer toppings to cook?

  • I swear Domino's has a side business disposing of used cooking grease. Pizza Hut way less greasy, and can get thin & crispy if you aren't into eating a tonne of bread.

  • Pizza Hut overseas is still high quality like it was 20yrs ago here. But now here, in Oz, thanks to Domino's and their race to the bottom business model of offering the cheapest pizza (price and hence quality) to market, Pizza Hut is absolute rubbish as they attempt to complete. They have well and truly burnt their brand and reputation here in Australia.

  • PizzaHut has always been the standard for shitty pizza — if you go below that bar, there's no getting back. Used to be the only pizza chain in Melbourne when I grew up, so I eaten their pizzas hundreds of times over the years and it's always consistently below average.
    Dominos was a fresh option when it arrived along with Eagle Boys and Pizza Haven, which were all much the same, but also above the bottom bar of Pizza Hut for variety and quality. The other two have gone but Dominos has remained, though it's changed a lot over the years.
    Often your best bet is the local independent, especially if they are run by an Italian family — absolutely no compromise there, you might pay more but you'll get the best pizza. Locals run by other ethnic groups can be hit or miss, some of the worst excuse for pizza I've had was from a local business, as much as we love to support them.

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