Hey guys,
I'm chasing some cheap gold class tickets for my Boyfriends b'day-
Can anyone help me out or point me in a direction where i can find them cheap?
Id really appreacite it!
Cheers- Sam :)

Lsammiegirl3 on 04/07/2012 - 18:32
I have some hoyts la premiere tickets if that's an interest. Worth around $37 each I think. Got quite a few. Interested?
I might be. Would they work for the new Batman film?
Isn't the normal price for Gold Class $28?
Well at least that's what I'm getting online… I don't see why people are are paying $60+ for a pair.Wait, nvm I just looked again, looks like sessions after 5pm are $39.50 a ticket.
Assuming you mean the Event cinemas gold class movie tickets, have you tried gumtree or ebay? There were a number floating around when I looked a few weeks ago, possibly mainly from those who grabbed the buy 1 get 3 free deal/s from amexconnect a few months back. Going price seems to be about $50-60 for a pair.