Is 2AM Is Too Late to Watch Football at a Sportsbar

Hey guys, I just want to ask if anyone goes to a Sportsbar specifically to watch the world cup?

The time zone difference and scheduling means that the majority of games are either 2:00am or 6:00 am (AEDT). Would you go to a bar at these times, or would it be better just to watch at home especially if it is not going to be packed with people.

My experience is that 9:00pm has been the best.

My main question is:

Go to a Sportsbar or stay at home to watch the Word Cup?

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  • +3

    I would say there would be a crowd there, people will be at the casinos no doubt

  • +3

    Casinos are the place to be… (but be careful - if you're like some of us here, there maybe unintended costs of watching the game there! haha)

    • My only concern is that there is a small majority of roided up meatheads huddling like it's a bikie conference which kind of ruins the experience(Australia vs Tunisia).

      • +1

        I don't know what sort of meatheads or trouble you're worried about, but plenty of security in the casinos to keep troublemakers in check.

        • -6

          Well casinos are criminal hotspots fyi - read regulators fining them.

          • +4

            @BeoWulf: ha! are you going there to watch the game or are you going to launder money?

            If you're that concerned, you might as well stay home and watch it. (Otherwise how are you going to enjoy the game knowing there's meatheads and criminals everywhere?)

          • @BeoWulf: stay at home
            meatheads, bikes and criminals everywhere!
            there could be one outside our door now!

            • -1

              @djones145: Im going with a group with guys and ladies. I just don't want it to end in a brawl if im sitting next another group of people especially if they start hitting on the ladies.

              • @BeoWulf:

                I just don't want it to end in a brawl if im sitting next another group of people especially if they start hitting on the ladies.

                Has this happened before?

                I go out all the time wearing these on the outside and it's never happened to me before.

          • @BeoWulf: The Casino is probably the safest place you can be at night.

            • -2

              @samfisher5986: You don't go out at night do you. So all the guys in bumbags and tattoos swearing is like completely normal? Just because brawls don't get reported doesn't mean it doesn't happen especially with all the alcohol served. Some of you people commenting probably think an underworld doesn't exist in Australia. Alot of cringe boys and edgelords tbh.

              • +1


                You don't go out at night do you. So all the guys in bumbags and tattoos swearing is like completely normal?

                You've never heard normal people swear? I think you're the one that sounds like you've never been out before!

                Let's put it this way - unless you or your mates like to run their mouths at random people, no-one is even going to look at you twice!

                • @bobbified: Well they were calling white people out and pulling isis cut throat gestures at every Aussie. I guess that is normal to you then.

              • @BeoWulf: Swearing is not unsafe or dangerous… words can't hurt you.

                • @samfisher5986: read above:

                  "Well they were calling white people out and pulling isis cut throat gestures at every Aussie. I guess that is normal to you then"

                  I guess this is also fine then.

          • @BeoWulf: yes, the criminals are running and working int the casino, not the pumped up units watching the soccer.

      • if you are in melbourne, fed square
        not meatheads or bikies
        just drunk teens/bogans lolz

  • 2am on a Saturday or Sunday morning is a good time to watch at a casino, but I wouldn't be there at 6am. There's going to be an interesting mix of people getting there after waking up super early, and those that have been drinking for hours. No thanks.

    • The Euro 2020 final last year at the treasury casino in Brisbane was incredible! That was at 5am, although we arrived by midnight to get decent spots.

  • I will be going to Pig n whistle or the Casino in Brisbane if England make quarters/semis/final. These early games I'm watching at home.

  • yes

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