Cheap copy of Windows (Any version will do).

Hi All,

I am after a cheap copy of windows to file my tax return, as I have Macbook and also have got Parallels through that $49 macupdate promotion last month.

Any version, but genuine copy of Windows will do, as long as I can install it and it can be activated.



  • +2

    Hi There,

    If all you want to do is to file your tax return (with eTax, presumably). Then Windows 7 can be used free, for up to 30 days without activition (this period can be extended 2 more times, for a maximum of 120 days).
    This should be plenty of time to file your tax return. Download links for Windows 7 ISO's are easy to find.

    Otherwise, the cheapest way to purchase a full copy of Windows is to acquire an OEM license. Most of the cheap computer stores will sell you an OEM copy of Windows 7 (including MSY, CentreCom and CPL). Whilst using an OEM copy with your MacBook is strictly outside EULA, it should work perfectly fine. $90 for Windows 7 Home Premium OEM here:


  • +1

    you could try reactos from (free winxp clone). i'm not sure how advanced it is nowadays but the screenshots on the website show it running firefox/thunderbird/office etc

    otherwise win xp retail licenses should be cheap as chips nowadays

    • Thanks Guys,

      Anyone has one of those MSDNAA suggestions?

  • Try windows 8 release preview, it's free. You'll also qualify for the $40 upgrade for the final version.

    • I am really tempted for this $40 upgrade for final version, Are you sure I will get it? Any references please?


        After reading this article, looks like I'm not exactly right. They say you still do need an old copy of Windows, although I doubt they will do any verification as most testers do a clean install. As with the OEM suggestion, you would be against the EULA.

        • "People moving from the Windows 8 Release Preview will need to make sure you have an underlying license for either Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7."

          Exactly, Thats what I found. I have a mate in CS dept at UTS will try if I can get MSDNAA license through him.

    • edit

  • have u tried porting it with wine? I could try if u like but only if you want it

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