I would like to buy an Xperia P; many online stores offer it at prices that seem good ($320ish) but then I discover after registering, logging in, adding to cart and initiating checkout that there is an $80 delivery fee.. on top of this, many of the sites seem to have such ugly amateurish websites that I can't tell if they are scammers or just saving money by not paying a web designer!
Could some experienced bargain hunter let me know which are the standard reliable "Oz Bargain" favourite online stores with reputations for reliability, transparent pricing and reasonable delivery time. (I don't care about squeezing the last cent out of the deal.)
You've been looking at Becextech, haven't you.
A quick Google search tells me that you won't get it for that price. Staticice (http://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=%22Sony+Xperia+…) confirms that - Techrific and Becextech both have it for $309, but then add postage. Techrific was $80, I bet Becextech is the same (they appear to be related).
You may be able to find a good price overseas, but you need to be careful when taking that option or you'll find your phone and its software are tied to AT&T, or it has the wrong network settings seared into its firmware…
I think your safest bet would be to increase your budget or buy a different phone. I have refrained from providing a personal opinion of the company whose phone you're proposing to buy.