This was posted 12 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Buy 2 Get 1 Free on Certain TV Shows at JB Hi-Fi ($16, $20 and $25 Shows)


Just went to JB to kill some time at saw that staff were busy putting B2G1F stickers on selected TV shows. Not sure when this runs to but based on past sales I's take a punt at Friday or Sunday. Notable shows I saw were

  • Burn Notice
  • Futurama
  • Breaking Bad
  • Curb Your enthusiasm

There were a few more that I didn't pay attention to, and they were still putting on the sticker so check your local store for things that interest you.

EDIT: Is now on the online store:

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +4

    $16.65 each for the first three seasons of Breaking Bad on Blu-Ray ain't too shabby.

    • Awesome deal there ;) probably looking at getting season 4 elsewhere for cheaper

    • Deleted

  • +1

    First 3 seasons of Friday Night Lights for $39.96 total, which is $13.32 a season totally worth it, Great show

  • If only there was a season 5&6 of IT Crowd… Great deals on some good shows.

  • I thought this was an ongoing deal? I might be wrong but pretty much every time I go to JB they have this deal on.

  • outsourced complete series at $20 less discount is good deal

  • +1

    Some good deals here, just got 6 seasons of X files for $80 or you can get all 9 for $120.

    • only the seasons with Mulder :)

  • +2

    Weeds season 1-6 on bluray for $79.92. (Individual season cases).

    Only noticed about 3 other titles available in bluray.

    • Got this as well as breaking bad :)

  • +1

    notably couldnt find any seasons of the simpsons.

  • Wonder why Season 7 of Star Trek Voyager is $64.99 when all the rest are $24.98.

    Otherwise, it would be possible to buy two series (eg TNG and DS9), and then get another (eg Voyager) free.

    • +1

      looks like its $24.98 now

      • Awesome, thanks. Now for some reason it's not part of the buy two get one free deal :)

        Still, 21 seasons of Star Trek for $374.70 delivered. Hmmmmm…

        • Jebus! still seems expensive lol.. but then again it is ALOT of episodes.. how many discs is that?

        • Probably something like 145 discs, but I couldn't help myself so I did the maths on the time.

          It's 530 episodes at about 45 minutes each, so I could watch Star Trek for 397.5 hours straight, or 16.5 days :)

          Oh, and it's about 71 cents an episode too.

  • Has anyone been instore and seen if the blu rays are included in the deal like Weeds blu ray seasons.
    They are included online, but someone on another forum mentioned they went instore and blu rays were excluded?

    • I didn't bother checking in-store it's usually a pain to ask someone about it and they don't tend to stock what your after, I purchased weeds season 1 - 6 online for under $80 I'm happy with that!

  • +1

    Weeds season 1-6 bluray for $79 is a bargain!

    • Agreed!

  • This sale still appears to be going and now has 20% off applied. Weeds 1-6 now $51.12 !

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