• expired

Kogan: 0.7% Discount off Any Order (Carbon Tax Offset)


Received an e-mail from Kogan:

Today marks the beginning of the operation of the Carbon Tax. According to the governments's Clean Energy Website, the Carbon Tax will result in a 0.7% increase in the cost of living for Australians.

In response, Kogan is proud to announce the immediate introduction of a Carbon Tax Offset Trading Scheme. For the next 14 days (unless the Carbon Tax is repealed earlier), any Australian can claim their Carbon Tax Offset Trading Scheme Entitlement by simply entering the code CARBONTAX at the checkout of kogan.com, which will reduce the price of an order* by 0.7%.

For a $199.00 Tablet it reduces it by $1.39 isn't much but it's A saving?

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closed Comments

  • +14

    0.7% Discount

    Ha ha ha…

    It's July, not April !!!! :P

  • +9

    +1 for lols

  • how generous of them ;)

  • +6

    I have an overwhelming feeling of relief from the pain of the normal prices charged by this company.

    This price cut will help me put more food on the table.

  • +2

    Freakin' HELL Julia!!! Rudd Rudd Rudd where art tho!

  • +20

    Wow, I'm now 0.7% more likely to buy from them! :)

  • Maybe I'm wrong. Seemed to me a couple of weeks ago the prices jumped on TVs from Kogan anyway. I bookmarked a TV one night, went back to it the next night and a similar TV was there, lesser package with a price jump of a couple of hundred. Maybe pre-olympic sales guise expecting people will buy upgrade pre and during olympics anyway. Now carbon tax offset. Ahh commercial world always one step ahead.

    Summary: Not keen on only 0.7% discount.

  • this is A discount BUT not a bargain

  • But the shipping isn't off-set…

  • +17

    To put a number on it, it's $7 off a $1000 purchase, not a bargain, a forum thread at best

    • -7

      Serious bro?

  • Wow, excellent deal!!

  • +2

    Why did they use an illustration of chunks of carbon on the balance board? Why not a canister of CO2?

  • +2

    I think it is being sarcastic to the carbon tax. Not meant to tell ozbargainer "it is a great deal".

  • +4

    I don't get out of bed for less than 15% discount.

    • +1

      50% here…

  • +2

    Just Kogan being a publicity wh*re.

  • +3

    That's real cute Kogan.

    Negged for blatant (and lame) attempt at guerrilla advertising. If it's a slow news day someone on one of the big newspapers will pick this up as easy copy when writing cheap-shot carbon tax reaction pieces.

    • +5

      As it seems you either forgot to neg or perhaps ran out for the day, I'll give you one of mine. This "bargain" blows, Kogan can jam his overpriced rebadged junk along with his publicity stunt right up his clacker.

      • And here's another one..

        Publicity stunts are not bargains! And I find it sad that it filtered here as the stunt worked.

  • +8

    0.7% off is an insult to OzBargain and shouldn't even be posted on here - neg from me!

  • +2

    You guys complaining are crazy ITS A JOKE!! Its designed to get free publicity which it has done exactly that. Some people take things too seriously me thinks.

    • +4

      Yes its a joke and not a bargain. Ozbargains is for bargains and not for free publicity or a joke.

    • +1

      I agre, so why the hell are we perpetuating this crap by posting in this site and doing exactly what Kogam wants us to do? I don't see how anyone can +ve this crap…

      • I can't see how anybody could take it so seriously as to bother negging it…at this point it's the majority neg votes that are doing all of the perpetuating! ;)

        • Careful, we'll end up giving them more comments to neg lol

  • +2

    Why is everyone cashing in on this carbon tax. Kogans cheaply specified and designed crap are all done overseas for even less than what the bigger manufacturer pays. It has nothing to do with the carbon tax, all this post is doing is giving them free advertising.

  • -2

    Any publicity is good publicity,

  • +2

    so not worth it!

  • +4

    Neg from me. This kind of publicity stunt has no place on these hallowed pages.

    • -1

      Hallowed pages? Lolololol , don't get me wrong, I agree with everything else

  • +3

    Playing politics and publicity stunts does not a deal make.

    0.7% on a $100 purchase is a 70c discount. Not worthy, Kogan - not worthy.

  • +1

    There is another way to look at the politics/PR of this offering…the cost of the carbon tax is negligible (for electronics) as amply demonstrated by so many here who don't see the offset of 0.7% as worth 'getting out of bed for'. I realise this is not the original intention of peoples' comments ('not a bargain') but i think the tax impost can also be viewed in the manner i am suggesting.

    The kogan 'discount' might be reported as support for the new law and undermine the arguments of opponents e.g. Abbot and others.

    • +1

      the main thing of carbon tax is chain effect - economics 101

      the government cut benefits, hope to get into surplus, end up people doesn't spend, company collapse, less income and gain tax…….. that's chain effect………so the government try to think of better way to get into surplus —> cut more family benefit and increase tax …….. never learn from lesson…..

      • +1

        They increased alot of "Family benefits" though dont forget, really its 'stuff' single people - they can pay for everyone else!

  • wow super 0.7%!!!!!!!!!!!!
    no wonder they so successful

  • -1

    Almost as bad as the IE6 Tax Kogan introduced!

    • -1

      I quite like IE6 thing that Kogan is doing.
      Having worked in the IT industry and having to make webpages IE6 compatible is a pain in the butt.

      Then trying to make IE6 pages compatible with other browsers is also hard since it either works on one or the other.

      This is extremely common in Government Agencies where they are still on IE6. It is extremely ironic though, that government agencies have so extensive security policies but they still use a browser which is so vulnerable to attacks. Even Microsoft has told people to stop using IE6!

      I fully support Kogan in doing the IE6 Tax, and I wished other E-Commerce places follow. It will rid the earth of the most common Microsoft Virus, IE6!

  • +2

    Just an advertising stunt. Not a bargain.

  • +1

    Offensive humour if you ask me. I suspect the 0.7% will multiply aggressively once the negative aspects of this insidious and wasteful tax filters through the economy. Perhaps Kogan can offer to pay my electricity bills instead if they are really concerned about this stuff.

    • -1

      Hear Hear!

    • Nice try, Abbott.

  • +2

    0.7% is a kick in the face. People whinge when companies only give 10% off and post it as a bargain, so this is a joke.

  • +2

    Yet another stupid publicity stunt from these guys and worst of all someone is going to repeat this back to be as something awesome

    I think people who buy tvs from kogan watch today tonight religiously on it

    • agreed. There is a reason kogan rhymes with bogan.

  • I couldn't sleep last night worrying about the carbon tax.

    • -2

      Yea its all a real big joke isnt it… Wait until the "financial assistance" runs out and see if you're joking anymore..

      • Ha. Way to get sucked in by the tabloids, pal.

  • Neg from me.

  • +1


  • If I was in power I would enact an Aussie Whinger Tax- there would be massive surpluses every year.

  • +1

    Ha ha - Just a joke (And an advertisement)

  • This is apropos of nothing- I just came across it and thought it was funny:

    "I'm lazy, fat and stupid. What is the government going to do about it?"

    George Megalogenis says
    Thu 24 May 12 (09:21am)
    "Give you a safe seat?"


  • +1

    Not funny and not a bargain. Neg.

  • agreed to comments above but also went and tested out. saved $4.47 if you purchase SGSIII blue…

  • +1

    One more negative vote for stupid publicity idea.

  • Send this to the forum where it belongs

  • Stupid, not funny, no bargain

  • agree with all the comments above .. stupid, not funny, not a bargain etc etc

  • A comment on the negative votes here.

    While many of the comments maybe not technically correct, eg one word responses, like thirdly etc, given the overwhelming negative response to this post, deleting 1 or 2 comments will have no effect, and there is a limit of how may things someone can say.

    That said it doesnt take to much effort to add a few more words…

    So no need to REPORT these technicalities… Thank you

    • I imagine that if reported early enough, this may have been deleted too

    • I have saved you the trouble and revoked that vote. I just can't see what I could have added that others hadn't already said.

      But you're right it is against the voting guidelines.

      • a a a That's your choice, but, I wasnt meaning that you should. If that was the case I could have just removed it.

        I was just trying to explain why in this case we left the votes, so we didn't get all these reports.

        Just a few more words would be ok. But as I said, given the overwhelming reaction to the post by the community, we have to judge things in a greater context.

        Its not always black and white. And as mods we make calls, Sometimes right sometimes wrong.

  • stunt

  • +1

    .7% discount.

    brilliant advertising/PR stunt.

    headline tomorrow "Kogan takes the pi55 out of the carbon tax"

    • Maybe Maybe not.

      .7% is pretty small, so depending on your view it might be they maybe trying to take the p out of those opposing it.

      It's not that clear….

    • Obviously they have succeeded. Look at the response here!

  • +5

    To all of the naysayers, just remember this…at least for once it's a discount that doesn't say 'excludes MacBooks, iPads, iPods & iTunes cards!!!' :p

  • Thanks OP. I couldn't stop laughing at the comments because of this post. I love the comments as much as the bargains posted on this site.

  • +1

    Ruslan Kogan is a right wing bigot in real life, so this doesn't surprise me.

  • +1

    1) Black humour, & 2) not even a scintilla of bargain. See: kogan website.

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