Airport GST Claim in Sydney Airport

Hi All,

I am going overseas in December (in New Zealand) and wondering if I can claim GST in Sydney airport for some expensive items? I could carry them in my hand carry on but the issue is I bought them in October November and plan to buy another item in December.

Is New Zealand considered as GST claim if I’m an Australian citizen and my wife Singaporean citizen?


  • +2…

    Yes, you can claim GST when flying to New Zealand and you have 60 days for that but you're not supposed to bring goods back. Not that anyone is going to check..

  • +2

    You can bring the goods back as long as they fall under your combined exemption.

  • Great thanks a lot. I have the original receipts from the store and online receipts will this work?
    I remember in Thailand and Singapore I had to request for VAT return paper work at the store and fill it in. I haven’t claimed anything in Sydney airport before could you please let me know if online receipts and in store receipts is all I need to claim in Sydney?

  • +2

    I highly recommend:
    1. Going to TRS to claim GST by yourself, do not go with your partner
    2. Having your script ready - "I am bringing these as a gift for my cousin/uncle/aunty in [insert town], New Zealand"
    3. When they ask "are you bringing these back into Australia", be ready with "No", and repeat point 2

    If you say "Yes" to 3, they will have to ping you on their system to either deny your GST request, or to check you upon return. Hence you don't want to claim GST with your partner present as per point 1, as you can pass it to your partner to carry it back if they do check you upon return (which they never do, but still).

  • Thank you so much. I only have online receipts and in store receipts. Will that work or I should have requested the store to fill out paperwork for GST claim? I went to the link above and it’s confusing. They want some paperwork from the store and also good to know I can only claim GST above $300 AUD.

    • +1

      Just bring the receipts with you, or you can claim ahead of time using the TRS app.

      • Wow didn’t even know the app exists. So I can fill it now and just take my original receipts to TRS?

  • +1

    The TRS app doesn't really "claim ahead of time". Regardless of whether you're using app or website, you will need to fill in to generate a QR code. The form includes details on your purchases, primarily cost + date. No QR code = No refund. If you can carry the items in carry-on do that, otherwise if they are bulky or you cannot (e.g. liquids), you can get an approval stamp in the check-in area from Border Force for the items to be checked-in.

  • Thank you so much mate. So if I understand this right step 1 is to apply through the web link to get a QR code. This can be done ahead of time.
    Step 2 use the app to fill the details. Step 3 pack everything in carry on take the receipts and go to the airport.
    Step 4 before checking the luggage get the receipts checked.
    Step 5 after crossing the immigration go to TRS and get the refund issued on credit card. Are they going to check the goods if not I can have the larger items checked in?

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