Ladies and Gents, I’m buying a gift for my misses who loves to cook. I asked her about some brands of knifes and she said Furi & Baccarat.
Now, when looking for such knife sets between 7-9 knifes, there’s so many to choose from. For example, Baccarat has ones that look like they’ve come from the last samurai. I just need a good knife set. Budget is between $300-400 dollars maximum of 10 knifes.
I looked at some ID3 Knifes and Damashiro, but don’t know the difference. Some good Black Friday deals out now so I’d like to get in quick.
Thanks for your help.
I'd get her this, a high end chef and paring knife. Will cover 90% of your chopping duties.
Most knife blocks are pretty rubbish, with more knives than you actually need. Both of the brands she is after are nothing special.