Is it possible to change the listings date/time from relative to absolute (without logging out)?
Listings - Absolute Date/Time

I thought that was funny
To those who are wondering what this request is about, OP is asking for the timestamp for the posts or comments to be always displayed in
dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM
format, rather than relatively, i.e. "xx hours yy min ago". For guests, i.e. those not logged into OzBargain, all timestamps are displayed in absolute format, whereas for logged in users, the timestamp is displayed in relative format if less than 24 hours.For OP — the answer is no. We don't provide such customisation. Any particular reason why you want this?
I prefer absolute date/time. It's a source of truth. It's factual (eg. take a screenshot, the absolute date/time will always be correct, but the relative time will not be)
It would be nice. Would've thought it would be a simple option to have especially since it's already there for logged out users.
I'd like to stay logged in for the occasional comment. But at the moment, absolute date/time on the listings is more useful so I stay logged off.And yes, Youtube's recent change to relative-date when a video was published (next to the view count on a vid) is quite annoying to me.
There are plenty of other websites that do relative date/time and some have the option to either change to absolute, or at least hover over it to get the absolute.
yup, i'm def with you OP. "7mins" ago is only accurate for that moment in time - dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM format seems a more logical view.
I must admit i had never realised/noticed it was absolute for loggeed out users, so i think i'll do as you mentioned in order to see it that way.I guess it is too complicated/coding to make it avail for logged in users?
Anyway, not the end of the worldThere are dozens of us!
There's just something about "xyz ago". I know the rough time I last looked at the Deals section. Don't make me do extra maths to figure out how many hours ago it was. So in a UX way, it's extra and unnecessary, whereas the absolute date/time is