Try Star Citizen for free from the 18th till the 30th, no need to pay any amount of money whatsoever. Simply make an RSI account then download and launch the game.
MOD: referral code removed.
Try Star Citizen for free from the 18th till the 30th, no need to pay any amount of money whatsoever. Simply make an RSI account then download and launch the game.
MOD: referral code removed.
5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) for the referee. If the referee buys a Game Package (with minimum value of $40 USD), referrer earns 1 Recruitment Point (RP)
Probably not, but it's free for two weeks
Can't believe I wasted $50 on this slideshow of a tech demo filled with idiots
Surely it runs better now with 30 or 40 series gpus?
It runs ok if you're in the middle of space with nothing there sure. Maybe 80fps on a 3080ti lol. But every time you die or every time they 'reset' the game. You are teleported to some tech demo planet that runs at 10fps and takes 40 minutes to navigate out of, with zero prompts and zero guides in game. It's almost as if there was zero gameplay testing.
Performance is good on my 3080…
Haha yeah. $50. Me too. That's all I put in too. Hah ha ha.. ha… Shit.
Anyway, cool game in active development, each substantial release it gets better and better, but who knows if that actually gets it closer to release. The feature creep is strong with this one.
I enjoy playing this game during free weeks!
*Scam Citizen.
Can't believe Muppets still think this is coming out. They make far more money preying on hopeful gamers than if they ever released it.
gonna wait for starfield
Why wait when you can 'Elite: Dangerous' now!
Look, I'm not gonna sit here and defend this much. It IS everything people say it is. I can't imagine it will ever be finished. It's incredibly buggy at times.
BUT, I don't regret getting a starter ship and still recommend giving the trial weekend a go. Doing missions every now and then, exploring and walking around an amazingly well built world. I just wish I had more time for it. It's not a casual game. Its something you have to sit down for a few hours at a time for. It's not exactly stagnant in development either. Updates are constantly rolled out.
Free trial is a free trial. If a space sim with amazingly pretty 3d environment/ship models are something you are interested in, give it a try.
I see the true price for the game in it's current state has revealed itself.
is this Casino ??
On one hand, I got out of star citizen with more money than I spent because of reselling on the grey market.
… On the other hand, nothing can refund me the hours of time spent following the game, debating how the game should be designed, the payment model etc.
Play this free weekend if you want, but don't get tangled up with the game, don't buy anything (not that you even can - you can only 'pledge' which means you have no consumer protections). If it'll ever be worth putting money into, you won't have missed much by doing so on launch day rather than now - no matter how enticing the pay to win, 'buy ships with $ now because it'll be more expensive later' tactic might seem.
Will this ever get released?