Wondering if anyone has any experience of holidaying in Qld during Schoolies?
I’m booked to stay in Airlie Beach next week, luckily outside the main town area.
Schoolies a bit off my radar. How bad can it be? 🤷
Schoolies Qld. That bad?

Traffic chaos lol
Teenagers are feral.
Schoolies Qld. That bad?
You will be fine outside of the main town area. Just go out to the more expensive establishments if you dine out. Same with tours/cruises, book slightly more expensive not youth oriented ones and you should be fine.
They are just teenagers having fun, it shouldn’t really effect you unless you’re in a complex with lots of them or attend the same venues. I can’t see how seeing lots of young people out and about will effect you.
If they are in the same complex you’re staying in and are unreasonably noisy just call the accommodation manager or if a private rental make a noise complaint https://forms.police.qld.gov.au/launch/NoiseComplaint
I’m on the Gold Coast not in surfers, but in one of the suburbs with a popular party and beach scene. Generally there’s a few house parties that can get loud - neighbours or police can sort this out. Otherwise there’s just lots of young people out and about at the shops and beach. M1 traffic is usually terrible for a day or two but this won’t be an issue in Airlie.
Thanks! Yes I was thinking same, young people out having fun not a problem for me…
Schoolies are nocturnal creatures that subsist on frozen home-cooked meals, big brand fast food and pizza by-the-slice. They're easily avoided. If you're a tourist any restaurants that are open will welcome your business. The times to avoid are check-in days for weeks 1 & 2 when elevator access is severely limited.
I migrated to Brisbane years ago and all my friends heard about many many bad things in Schoolies. Like peple die, drugs. I don't know why this could happen every year.
Bad press - but when thousands of kids celebrate the end of school, it's good there is a controlled event for them to cut loose. Some go overboard learning their limits. Without the organisation each year, it would be the chaos your friends hear about, but 100 times worse. Generally it is a positive experience - don't believe everything you see and hear from the media.
Jacked up accommodation, packed to the rafters with schoolies everywhere, traffic chaos