Retravision (Mornington, Vic) Closing down/Liqidation Sale. Today, Sat & Sun. up to 90% off

Moved to Forum: Original Link

OK, before people ask, No I can't specific examples of sale items.

However, walked past the shop a bit earlier today and there was masses of people queuing so I'm guessing there's probably some bargains to be had here. I also heard the tail end of a radio ad saying "everything must go, etc, etc" sale on today (29th), tomorrow and finishes Sunday. Sign in window said something along the lines of "Up to 90% Off - Liquidation Sale"

Mods - please feel free to move this to Forums if more appropriate. And any potential 'neg'ers', as stated above, I've not got specific examples of sale items as I didn't go in the store, I'm only sticking this up here as an FYI for anyone in the Mornington area who maybe interested a little look around.

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  • -6

    OK, before people ask, No I can't specific examples of sale items.

    "Postings that reference a sale, catalog or store but don't provide enough information to find at least one bargain, may be unpublished"ā€¦

    • +3

      Fine, unpublish or move to some where more appropriate. Only trying to help and pass on info to anyone who maybe interested and was passing the area.

      • "Trying to help people" isn't good enough for some. I only came here to see if that retard would neg you for it, and he did. Surprise.

        • +1

          Not sure I can be bothered to post anything else. Some people have too much time on their hands and don't seem to grasp the fact that, in my opinion at least, I just threw up a quick post alerting people in the general area to take a look if they fancied it.
          Regardless of what OzB's policy police say, I'm not going to enter a shop with notepad & pen just to make notes of specific bargains and write detailed posts on my return home. Even if I did, some cretin would only dispute how much of a bargain <example A> actually is, so in effect telling me I'd picked the wrong bargain to detail on the site.

          There really is no helping some people.

        • You're not doing your bit if you don't line up just to get a few photos of sale stickers.

        • +1

          Yep, pretty slack of me not prepared to give up my own time to join a line of well over 100 people for people to moan about the 'bargain' I'd picked ;-)

        • No problem about making a post. AND you dont need to get every detail on this.

          Just it belongs in the right section. In the forums if you dont have specific info on a bargain. And yes we understand that somethings maybe sometimes could be included in the main deal area. Like everything sometimes something maybe grey rather than black or white.

          The issue we face is trying to make sure we dont flood the main page, so that a good deal doesnt get lost among many vague deals. So the intent is not to stop people letting others know, and already another mod has moved this to the forums.

          Dont take it as a criticism we will let you know if we dont like something. Moving it to the forums doesnt give you a bad mark etc.

          Thanks for letting people know about this possible deal

        • Pete, nobody is complaining about it being moved, just about the idiot commentator.

        • Thanks for the update. It seems like a case of you're damned if you and damned if you don't. There are tonnes of deals, sales, bargains, etc, covering a range of products, nothing specific. Are the forums the best place to post these? I for one, only check the 'new deals' page and would potentially miss quite a few of these types of posts.
          Seems there's a fair few OzBargain users who are more intent on ripping posts to shreds in terms of content, how much of a bargain something actually is, etc, rather than reading the posts for what they actually are (or at least what I believe they are) - to share possible deals. People should really accept the spirit in which people post here. Just my 2c.
          Guess it's a thankless task being a MOD - but good on you and thanks.

          Soapbox stowed.

  • nothing of real value today.
    need to check back late sunday arvo to see whats still around and what prices they are going to dump at.

    most products today 10-40% off if your lucky.

  • -1

    i love "Up to 90% Off - Liquidation Sale", are they giving away free stuff?

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